
“I’ve just got some work to catch up on in my office. Will you two be all right for a while?” I said, popping my head into the kitchen where Abby now sat on the counter, stirring something in a bowl under Emma’s supervision.

I had no idea what the standard protocols for taking on a nanny were. Was I supposed to stay with her until the two of them were comfortable together? Because if that was the case, it looked like I’d already overstayed my welcome. Emma had Abby clean, dressed and helping to make breakfast in the time it had taken me to wrestle the kid into a clean pair of clothes the day prior. It looked like Emma had been taking care of Abby for years.

Besides, it wasn’t like I was heading out of town for the week; I’d be less than fifty feet away in my office. And while I’d be perfectly content to stand there and watch the sexy as hell new nanny, I really did have to make a few phone calls. Trusting my gut on a business deal was fine, but when it came to Abby, I wasn’t taking any chances. I’d have the personnel department of my company run a thorough background check on Emma and then I’d feel a whole lot better about relying on intuition from here on out.

By the time I reappeared in the kitchen fifteen minutes later, the two of them were gone, though I could hear muffled voices coming from somewhere upstairs. I followed the sound only to discover them in Abby’s room; Abby pulling the blankets off her bed and Emma bent over on the floor, building a wall out of stuffed animals. The woman really had to stop bending over! I was going to end up with some serious damage from a permanent hard-on with a view like that all day.

“How would you like to go to the zoo today, Abby?” I asked in the interest of self-preservation. I didn’t intend to leave Abby in the care of Emma until I was absolutely certain she was safe, but this was cruel and unusual punishment. There was no way I was staying confined in the house with Emma all day. Her gorgeous body, pouty lips…and at least a dozen rooms in the house with a lock on the door—hell no. I needed somewhere nice and public, where the urge to tear her clothes off and bury my cock deep inside her was at least nominally mitigated by an inescapable underage audience.

And an hour later, we were wandering from one exhibit to the next, watching Abby’s eyes light up in response to every new animal. She was particularly fascinated by the floor to ceiling aquarium where she’d spent the past fifteen minutes, standing in front of the glass and following every fish that swam by with her fingers.

“Abby tells me the two of you haven’t been together long,” Emma said, and he could tell she was trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but she couldn’t quite suppress the curiosity in her tone.

“I didn’t know about Abby until two months ago. I suppose her mother felt it had been best not to tell me about her,” I admitted, trying to keep the bitterness out of my own tone no matter how deeply it ran in my veins.

“Oh, but then how…” she let the sentence trail off, obviously feeling like she might be overstepping some boundary.

“Her mother, Michelle, was in a car accident, and she died.” That thought helped to quell the bitterness some. “While I was angry she’d never told me about Abby, at least I would get to see my daughter grow up. Michelle would never see her again.”

“I’m sorry. That must have been very hard on Abby, and I can’t even imagine what it would be like to suddenly discover I had a four-year-old child.”

“It was a shock, but I think we’re making it work OK. At least, I hope so,” I confessed, feeling strangely comfortable talking to Emma despite the desire coursing through my body. I suppose I’d spent years in the constant company of people who were faker than a fifteen dollar bill, and Emma seemed…genuine.

“It seems to me you’re doing a great job. I’ve met a lot of maladjusted kids and they’re usually reserved and quite shy. That doesn’t describe Abby at all, does it?”

We both laughed.

“Thanks. So, you’ve worked around kids a lot?” It seemed odd that a gardener would spend much time in the company of children, but she did seem to have a natural rapport with them, so who was I to judge?

“Um, not exactly…just from personal observation, that’s all.” It was clear from her body language she was uncomfortable, but I didn’t linger on the thought long. Paying attention to her body language reignited the damn fire I’d been doing my damnedest to keep tamped down all day. It made me restless and then guilty. Restless, because I didn’t want to be standing around talking—I wanted to be fucking Emma senseless. And guilty because my thoughts should be occupied with my daughter, not her nanny.

But since the only way I was getting Emma naked anytime soon was by ducking into one of the animal exhibits with her, I forced my thoughts onto something less X-rated.

“That does remind me, though, Ryan,” Emma began just as Abby started calling out to us and hopping excitedly from foot to foot and pointing at the shark that swam by in front of her. We both murmured appropriate comments and she seemed to forget all about us quickly, turning back to the aquatic scene.

I turned my attention back to Emma. “So, what about you?” I asked, thinking that a little bit of recon of my own was probably safe, PG-friendly ground. “What’s your story?”

“Well, there isn’t much to tell,” she said, looking even more uncomfortable than she had a moment ago. “I finished school a year ago, and I’ve been…working ever since.” She nodded, seemingly pleased with her answer, though it told me pretty much nothing.

Unfortunately, it did put her age in clear context. She’d only just finished school a year ago…she really was awfully young. What the hell was I doing trying to fuck a woman who was barely old enough to drink?

But she was a woman, my raging hormones assured me, and every inch of her gorgeous body seemed to confirm it. So, there was no reason to alter the plan. All I had to do was make it through the day, and I could tell by the way she was looking at me, it wasn’t going to be hard to convince Emma McKenna to let me do whatever I wanted to her…and there was so much I wanted to do.

By the time the end of the day finally arrived, I’d used up just about every bit of self-restraint I possessed. The second Abby was in bed, it was all I could do to stop myself from barging into Emma’s new room and tearing off her clothes right then and there.

Instead, I stood outside her room. The door was open just a crack, but through it, I could hear the shower running in the ensuite bath in her room. Images jolted to the front of my mind; Emma naked, the water sliding down her skin and making every inch of her body slippery.

“Emma,” I called more harshly than I’d intended. “Could I speak to you when you have a moment?”

“Um…I’ll be there right there,” she called back as I imagined her hands gliding over her firm breasts, across her ribs, and then lower. Was she simply washing off the grime of the warm day, or was her skin hyper-sensitized from the same attraction I’d felt all day. Did her fingers linger between her thighs, sliding back and forth across her clit? Was she even now, slipping those slim digits into her pussy?

Damn it! Since when was I no better than some horny teenager? I was going to have to find a way to cool my jets, or else I’d be going off way too early—a problem I hadn’t had since I was a horny teenager.