The hostess smiled. “Good afternoon! Just one today?”

I had to smile, because she didn’t question if I was a member. It was surprising to think that I actually looked like I belonged there.

“Actually, I’m just looking for Trevor Wild. I have a meeting with him.”

“Ahh…yes. You must be Mrs. Washington.”

I smiled, blushing slightly. “Ms. But you can call me Jasmine.”

The woman smiled and nodded her understanding. “Follow me!” she said.

She led me through the club and I took a chance to look around, seeing it all really for the first time. This wasn’t a place I was allowed to walk freely around, so it was nice to get a feel for the atmosphere. When we got to the bar, we bypassed it and went through double doors. The closer we got to an office, the more nervous I became. But there he was. Trevor was seated behind a desk, typing on his computer, and there was a tug at my heart as I saw him.

“Jasmine Washington is here, sir,” the woman said, introducing me.

Trevor looked up and the minute his eyes met mine, recognition flashed in his facial features.

“Thanks, Layla,” he said, glancing at Layla for a minute. She nodded and dismissed herself and then he looked back at me.

“Hmm…” he then chuckled softly and stood to his feet. “I guess we’ll formally be introduced then. As you know, I’m Trevor Wild and you’re Jasmine Washington.” He stuck out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to officially make your acquaintance, Mrs. Washington.”

I looked at his hand and then up at his eyes that were staring back at me.

“It’s Ms. Washington and please…call me Jasmine.” I shook his hand. His grasp was firm, yet comforting. I slowly pulled my hand free, because I could have been lost in that moment for hours, then cleared my throat.

“So, I don’t have all the details of what you’re actually looking for, but do you mind giving me a tour of the place and we can hash all that out?”

“Of course,” he said.

He walked around the desk and led me out of his office, to where we started a tour. He showed me everything from the various rooms that housed more gambling machines, to the rooms that were used for parties of different degrees. As we walked, he shared his story, about how he didn’t know when it happened but along the way they slowly started to falter in sales. He always thought they could pick back up, but then credit cards were being overcharged and shipments were now being missed and he feared for the sake of his business.

We went upstairs, to a whole other layer of the club that I hadn’t even known had existed. It seemed this club was a hub of activity, or at least should be, because of all the features there were.

“Members have started canceling their memberships,” he said. There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

When we walked down the stairs, I turned to him.

“Mr. Wild,” I started.

He shook his head. “Please call me Trevor.”

I continued. “Trevor, I won’t say that it will be an easy task to get things back to where they were, but I do believe that it’s doable. Just trust that I will do everything in my power to make it work. We’ll get it there. I promise you.”

He smiled and we headed back to his office. Once there, I put my purse down and looked around. “We first need to start with your bookkeeping. I need to see important receipts and documents for the last year would be a good starting point.”

He gave me a sheepish grin and I really wondered what that was all about, until he led me to a filing cabinet. At least the cabinet was labeled with a breakdown of three months at a time in each drawer, otherwise I might freak out before I even started.

He opened up one drawer and it was just layers and layers of bills, receipts, orders, etc. all just thrown in it. I pulled out a handful and just looked at it, the months were all thrown together and it was a jumbled mess. I looked up at him and he smirked.

“Yeah, I suppose organization skills isn’t my strong suit.”

I nodded. That was an understatement. “Well, this could take me at least a week to go through,” I looked over at his desk that was just a few feet away. “I’ll try not to be in your way or anything.”

He shrugged. “I understand. Take the time you need.”

I looked back at the drawers and took a deep breath. I hoped I didn’t get myself into a world of trouble, because I was already feeling a tad overwhelmed, but I would persevere and get through it. I just had to.