“I’m sorry to interrupt. I am the owner, Trevor Wild and I do hope the party met your stan

dards.” He was speaking to Sydney. She also had this strange look on her face as she spoke to him briefly, thanking him for the wonderful service.

He then looked around the table and when his eyes landed on mine, he had this familiar gaze. Plus, it was like his eyes lit up. He smiled and then said goodnight to us and was gone.

I sat there for a moment, sure that I knew him from somewhere, but it wasn’t until the party started to break up and I got a chance to talk to Sydney, that I put it together. “The owner,” she started. “He looked familiar.”

I laughed it off and shrugged. “You’re a member of this club, so I’m sure you have seen him many times.”

Sydney shook her head. “No. I don’t think so,” she said. She frowned, trying to place it. And then just like a jolt, it seemed to hit her.

“I think I remember,” she said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Do share!”

She looked at me and tilted her head. “Do you remember that night when we were at the bar?” Her whole face lit up. “It was the night we were getting together and I told everyone I was getting married.”

The recognition started to dawn on me. “I had stood up and nearly was knocked over by this man and -”

“That’s the man!” Sydney blurted out.

I remembered it now. I was in such a hurry after getting that text about Josh and hadn’t been paying much mind to where I was going, so I didn’t notice when the man had come out of nowhere and bumped into me. But she was right. That man was Trevor Wild, owner of Mercury Wild. I remembered thinking back then that there were something intriguing in his stare and now I was even more convinced.

Sydney went back to talking to a few of the friends that were about to leave and I found myself thinking about him. He was handsome, no doubt. With the sexiest eyes I’d ever seen. He would be the perfect guy in every woman’s fantasy.

When Sydney had turned back to me, I told her that I needed to get out of there. It’d been a busy week and I was exhausted and just wanted to crash. We all hugged, with me congratulating them again. Then I grabbed my purse and left the room. I was just about to round the corner, when Trevor came the other way; we nearly crossed paths again. This time I was able to dodge him, before we collided, but his eyes went to mine.

He stopped, which only caused me to halt into place. “Hello,” he said.

I smiled. “Hello!”

It was an awkward exchange, to say the least, but then Trevor spoke again.

“Did you have a nice night tonight?”

I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowing and he explained himself. “You came from the engagement party, correct?”

“Oh! Yes!” I said, nodding.

He smiled and let me just say that it was the sweetest and yet sexiest smile. He would win contests with that smile.

“Did the party meet your expectations?” he asked.

I nodded. Truth be known, I hadn’t really been to many engagement parties, but to me the food, atmosphere, and service were top notch.

“It was very nice,” I said. I looked around. “This is a great place.”

He beamed with pride. “I’m glad you approve.”

Again, an awkwardness ensued, until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Well, I better be going. Goodnight!”

“Goodnight!” he said. I moved past him and out into the cool wind. I took a deep breath and a smile crossed my lips. I could definitely indulge in his masculine nature. He was my idea of one hell of a man that would be able to offer me all the finer things. But, sadly I was sure that it would never happen.



I followed her out of the club with my eyes. The minute I saw her sitting at the table, my mind jumped back to that day I nearly ran her over in the club. Or, at least I was ninety-five percent certain she was the woman. Back then, she had her hair in a ponytail, but tonight it was flowing down over her shoulders. Yet, the same green eyes that had me captivated back then, still remained. It just had to be her.