ence of alcohol. There was so much to repair and so much to do but he was stuck in that hospital bed.

When he told me he loved me, I felt like I had been reborn. I felt good.

“I love you too,” I replied as tears came flowing down my cheeks. I blushed when I realized just how ridiculous I looked but it didn’t matter anymore. I didn’t care. I was happy just to hear him say the words.

“What do you want to know right now?” he asked.

“Are you up to telling me the stories?” I countered. “You just woke up. Don’t you want to rest?”

“Talking to you is what I call rest,” he said and I smiled at the sincerity in his voice.

I gave him another kiss and then asked, “Well, you can start by telling me your darkest secrets. What is it about your past that you don’t want me to know? You’ve always seemed so cold and distant like you don’t want to fall in love.”

Dylan’s eyes darted left and right as he thought about his next choice of words.

I could see him thinking and pondering but where once I saw doubt and cold seclusion I now saw the intent to share. He was finally letting me get to know him – the real him.

He took a deep sigh and mumbled for a moment like he was trying to get some words out but they were too painful for him to utter, “My…my parents were divorced when I was really young.” He finally uttered.

“My father left us and my mom’s decided to find solace at the bottom of a bottle. The amount of suffering that came along with it was literally hell. This is probably one of the reasons why I don’t believe in love. Seeing what my mom had gone through, I just didn’t want to develop a dependency on anyone. I was predetermined to always act cold, independent and dominant so as to make sure I don’t develop serious relationships. I thought if I acted like this, I wouldn’t have to deal with the heartbreaks similar to what my mum experienced. My sister’s the same. We have had to be independent since we were very little.”

As Dylan slowly continued to share about his life story I could feel tears filling up in my eyes.

I got it now. I would be reluctant to share such a past too if I was in his shoes. I felt sorry for pushing him into opening up when he was clearly not ready.

“I was afraid to tell you all this, too,” he continued. “After all, it’s the real me. You know, I’m just like everyone else who has fears and problems. I was just afraid that you wouldn’t like the real me and wouldn’t want to spend time with me anymore.”

“Oh baby, you know I won’t!” I insisted, “I will always be by your side, no matter what.”

At that moment, I saw his face lighten up. The depth of his gaze was starting to make me melt.

This was the moment where I felt truly connected to someone, someone who had become so important in my life. Finally, he chose to reveal the real him to me and I appreciated him even more.

I finally got to take him out of the hospital after a good two weeks. His neck was in a brace and he still had to stay in a wheelchair due to the other injuries he sustained but at least he could rest somewhere more comfortable.

Life as I knew it changed from that point on. I finally let my father know that I was dating Dylan. My dad was a little apprehensive but after a few dinners with Dylan that tension quickly faded.

Of course, I didn’t let Dylan recover entirely without help. I had to do my part. I made sure I was always there for his therapy sessions and I made it a point to urge him on during the times he wanted to quit.

Dylan was a man of purpose and it took a lot out of him whenever it came to standing up and walking. The pain coursing through his body must have been so intense but I knew he could do it. He just had to keep on going forward and it was my job to cheer him on so he wouldn’t ever stop.

The worst part was the legal battle we had to fight. Dylan couldn’t go to jail because of his current medical condition and so the court decided he’d have to pay numerous fees and split a portion of his company to dedicate time for community service. He was sentenced to twenty years of contributing for community service. That was a small blow for his firm but it was a big one on his reputation. Fortunately, we had his friends at Mercury Wild to help pick up the slack there.

Even with him saved from jail time we still had a long way to go. We loved each other and for now, that was all we needed.

Talks of our future and stuff like that could wait. I just wanted to see him recover and become the man he truly was, not the man he had to show the world. There were layers upon layers that had to be peeled and I was going to take them all down one by one.

There was, at least, one thing we could celebrate about.

About five months after his release from the hospital my father and his team began building the hospital in the site they purchased from Dylan. We attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony and Dylan even got to say a few words.

It felt like poetic justice to me. I met him through my father’s deal, a billionaire’s deal, and now here I was standing right beside him as his girlfriend. Sure, our relationship wasn’t perfect and there were definitely a lot of things we still had to make up for but it was a good start.

We were happy. We were in love. Not a day went by where we weren’t enjoying each other’s company. Of course, even though he couldn’t walk well I still took the time to… play with him. I was quick to learn there were many ways to get a man to cum even without rough and wild sex. Soon enough I learned how to use my tongue and lips well. It was always a joy to give a blowjob so good that he’d push my head in and fill me up with his oozing hot seed. It was like receiving a divine drink from the heavens.

There was so much more for us to do. He had a lot of fun ideas that I never knew were even possible. Well, maybe not entirely. I still had another little notebook of more fantasies I wanted to fulfill.

Those would come true but not right now.