I was deep in my thoughts amidst the poor visibility when I was snapped back into reality by full headlights and a loud horn being blasted from the vehicle coming straight towards mine.

No amount of steering away or emergency brakes could rescue me from the reality that this was my life flashing right before my eyes. All I could think about was Cherry. I wish I could make things different before I leave for good. But I guess that wasn’t for me to decide.



My eyes fluttered open and I was shocked to see I was still alive. Everything seemed so blurry and there was bright white light flashed all around me.

I could hear voices, dozens of them, but I couldn’t recognize a single one. I tried to move but it was like being trapped in a different person’s body – nothing I did seemed to work. Even when I tried to move my eyes all I could see was a blank sea of whiteness.

When I tried to move my head, I felt a searing headache split my whole body and I nearly fell back to an unconscious pit. I was struggling to breathe and I couldn’t even move my lips. When I tried to roll my tongue all I could feel was blood dripping from the sides of my mouth.

More lights flashed and I heard a few more voices. Then something plastic covered my face and I fell unconscious.

I woke up and fell asleep again and again over a cycle of minutes or hours. I couldn’t really tell the passing of time anymore.

All I knew was that my whole body hurt.

Everything didn’t seem like they were in the right place. My joints ached more with each passing moment and my neck was so stiff it was a miracle it didn’t cement itself in place.

Whenever I fell asleep I dreamed of Cherry. Whenever I was awake I dreamed of dying. Maybe I was dying. Maybe I was already dead.

Time just seemed to pass so slowly but the pain that plagued my body only seemed to have gotten worse. I could feel sores on my joints and bruises swelling in places I never even thought could swell so badly.

It was only after some time that I gathered I was in a hospital. I was still alive – somehow – but I didn’t know how or why I couldn’t move or see anything. There was nothing but bright whiteness every time I tried to open my eyes.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my vision started to clear. When I woke up again I realized I was staring up into the bright room lights of a hospital room. This time I knew I was alive but the pain across my body instantly told me I was in horrible shape.

“H-hello?” I tried to call out. I tried to speak the word but it didn’t come out as clearly as I thought it should. My tongue felt like a big fat roll of meat in my mouth.

Fortunately, I heard footsteps and a man leaned over so I could see his face. He was in his mid-forties with short hair and a thin pair of glasses. He looked like he could have been a doctor on television, one of those really hot type of lead actors, but I knew he must have been a real doctor… well, maybe. I hoped so.

“Ah, Mr. Bernard you’re awake,” he greeted. “My name is Richard Cassian and I’m your supervising physician. Let me start by telling you it’s a miracle you’re still alive. Most people who go through accidents like yours don’t make it out as well as you did.”

“I…I don’t understand,” I slobbered and mouthed. I think he got what I was saying though so I pressed on, “What happened?”

Cassian diverted his gaze from me and began checking the machines hooked up to me, “Well, you were driving drunk and smashed right into a delivery truck. The truck driver made it out pretty fine except for a fractured leg. You, on the other hand, smashed through his truck and straight into a light post on the side of the road. Your car flipped and skid across the highway. When the authorities arrived everyone already assumed you were dead. There was so much blood on the ground. Yet here you are, alive and well.”

“How bad is it?”

The doctor sighed and told me the truth without holding anything back, “You broke twenty-three bones in your body, Mr. Bernard. This includes fragile pieces in your neck, lower back, ribs, and legs. You’ll be paralyzed for quite some time, Mr. Bernard.”

I panicked and quickly asked, “I-is it permanent?”

“I don’t know,” the doctor told me and his answer seemed even worse than a flat yes or no. “All I can tell you is that you have to be strong and don’t let this beat you. To be honest, I do think you’ll be okay. It might take months or years even but if you keep that woman by your side I can only see a bright future for you – just slow down on the alcohol.”

Wait, what woman?

“Doc, what woman?” I asked him.

Dr. Cassian explained with a casual expression, “Oh, Ms. Vergara was here earlier and the day before. She’s been here since they first brought you in.”

“How long have I been here?” I was feeling both relieved to know Cherry was here with me and scared sensing how long I might have been bed-ridden now.

The doctor didn’t even try to soften the blow, “It’s been two weeks now, Mr. Bernard. You’ve been shifting in and out of consciousness for a while but I suspected you wouldn’t regain eyesight for a few days. The blow to your head and neck weren’t fatal but they were devastating, to say the least.”

Two weeks?