
Dylan then took a moment to take a shower. Afterwards, he tossed me the towel, allowed me to wipe myself clean, and then he slid beside me and gave me a warm hug before we called it a night.

With him hugging me this way, I felt an odd sense of accomplishment and joy.

Somehow… somehow, my fantasies had come true. I not only had sex for the first time but I had it with one of the most handsome men on the freaking planet.

Needless to say, I fell asleep with a satisfied smile on my face.



It was a few days after that fateful night that I got the courage to talk to Dylan again. By then my father was home and the deal was done. We no longer needed to speak with Dylan as his other employees took over to finish the rest of the transaction.

My father put in his investment and before a week was over the title had been transferred. We got the property we set out to attain.

But I wasn’t done with Dylan. There was no way he was just going to fuck me once and then never talk to me again. So I decided to make the next move.

“Hey, are you free today?” I sent him a text message. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.”

Shit, I hope I didn’t sound like a desperate girl or anything. I couldn’t imagine how he’d think of me if I were begging for him to give me some attention. Fortunately, he replied and it was just as good as I could ever hope for.

“Yep,” his reply said. “I was going to ask you out today anyway. Want to hang out with me on my boat?”

Oh my God. He had a boat?

Of course, he had a boat. He was a freaking billionaire. Was it a sailboat? I had no idea about these things.

I simply texted back, “Okay. Where do we meet?”

“Head to the North Pier by the Coral Princess café and restaurant,” he answered a minute after. “Look for the Rainbow Unicorn at Dock 12. I’ll be there waiting.”

Oh wow, I felt so excited! I put on a sleeveless summer dress and a big hat with a wide brim. It just seemed suitable for a boat ride. I then headed downstairs where I found my father on the phone.

“Dad, I’m going out,” I told him as I whirled by and took the keys to my car. “Just note down anything you need for me to do when I get back.”

My dad looked at me real quick and nodded before he went back talking with whoever was on the other line. I doubted he even heard what I just told him but that was for the best. The last thing I needed right now was for my dad to know I was going out dating with Dylan Bernard.

The good thing was that the drive to the pier wasn’t much of a hassle. That side of town wasn’t plagued with traffic and when I got there I was pleased to find a large parking space. I had no trouble finding a decent spot to park my car. Once I had settled for a nice, shady area I hopped out and walked through the docks to find Dock 12.

After a few minutes – and some asking around for directions – I eventually found Dock 12 and the Rainbow Unicorn. It was a hell lot bigger than what I had thought! It was a freaking luxury yacht!

Dylan was out by the main upper deck and he waved at me when he saw me approach. Even in khaki shorts, a plain white shirt and sunglasses he looked so hot. It was like looking at a model for summer wear. He could be wearing nothing but underwear and I’d still consider him too hot for mortals.

“Hi!” I waved at him. I looked around, confused, and still, couldn’t find where to board his yacht. He must have noticed because he quickly walked over and guided me to a ramp.

As soon as I got aboard he gave me a warm hug and one heck of a long, torrid kiss on the lips. I felt my body melt underneath his weight and the affection he was giving me. Before I knew it I was moaning and my hand was reaching down for his cock!

“Mmm, later,” he reminded as he then parted our kiss and moved my hand away from his dick. “I want to devour your pussy like there’s no tomorrow but there’s time for that later. Let’s just sit back for a minute and let me get this baby going.”

I purred back like a kitty ready for action.

He led me to a couple of tanning seats on the upper deck. I lied down and watched as he headed into a small stall where the steering wheel was.

It was fun to watch him work his way around the boat, taking off the big ropes and getting the anchor off. In due time we set off and he had a few minutes of silence to maneuver us out into the open sea.

As soon as we were free from land and were now in the deeper waters, he came back to me carrying a bucket of ice and opened bottles of beer. He handed me one, took a seat beside me and asked, “Has anyone ever told you just how beautiful you are? You look freaking gorgeous right now.”