Dylan then interrupted, “Oh, you can keep it stored, sir. I can drive her around for today.”

Both my dad and I looked back at Dylan. He looked back at us with a dry and almost uncaring face, as if driving me back home after our meeting was nothing to him.

“It’s fine, trust me,” he then explained. “I need to speak with her anyway and get some of the other legal issues ironed out.”

I bit my lip. My heart pounded faster. I felt my knees buckle and I started to fidget.

He was pushing for him and me to be alone together. It was like my most wicked dreams coming true at that very moment.

“Yeah, I agree,” I then butt in just so my father couldn’t say otherwise. “Come on, dad, you have to hurry or you’ll miss your flight.”

“Aren’t we supposed to go with him?” Dylan asked.

I shook my head, “No, he needs to go right now anyway. I’ll just join you and we can go through the rest of the papers. I want to audit what needs to be finished for the transaction so we can process the transfer of titles as soon as possible.”

I could only hope I sounded as professional as I thought I was.

My dad thought about it for a second, but he eventually relented, “All right. Just make sure you update me as soon as you guys have finished. I want to know every little detail so I can tell the others. They’re already bugging me with so many different questions.”

“Of course, daddy,” I said. I was starting to feel a little impatient. “Now go on.”

He gave me a quick kiss good-bye and then shook Dylan’s hand before he hopped back into his car. I waved and watched until his vehicle was out of sight.

As soon as I knew we were

completely alone, I turned around to face Dylan.

“Where do we go now?” I asked. Just standing there, looking at him, I felt like my dreams had suddenly come true. I was sincerely being a fan-girl to him. It was like a country girl suddenly getting the chance to ask a superstar for an autograph.

For a moment he just looked at me.

Oh god. It was that stare again, the one where I felt his eyes pierce through me as if he was stripping me naked in his mind. I felt so exposed as his gaze lingered and roamed across me.

After a while, he finally answered, still in his cold and stale tone, “Let’s go get something to eat while we discuss business. I’ll bring you over to the Golden Lobster joint close to Mercury Wild.”

I knew that place. It was pretty expensive so I had never actually been in there. Knowing I’d finally have a chance, I nodded back, “Sure. Thank you.”

“A girl like you shouldn’t go hungry,” he answered. It was a little bit of a shock to hear smooth talk coming from him. “Hop on in the car, we can go now. You can explain the legal stuff you still need from me on the drive there.”

That sounded like a plan to me. I got into his car and buckled tight.

This was going to be one heck of a day.



My morning drive with Cherry was a lot livelier than I had imagined. She really knew her stuff when it came to her father’s business.

The drive from my office parking lot to the Golden Lobster was only ten minutes but during that span of time Cherry managed to spill the beans regarding all the necessary papers we needed to finish.

As it turned out their company needed a lot of assurances, permits and inspection certificates since they were planning to put up a hospital there.

I absorbed it all as quickly and as efficiently as I could. It was so hard to keep a straight face when this beautiful girl was seated just a few feet away from me. She smelled so good, too. Oh, Fuck! It was driving me crazy. I wanted to lean in and kiss her neck and ears so many times. It was like she was wearing some kind of scent that made me want to pounce right onto her.

When we arrived at the Golden Lobster, there wasn’t much business talk to attend to. She covered everything necessary in the car. I didn’t want to back out from my offer though and insisted that we step in to eat. As it turned out, she had skipped breakfast so I further pushed through with my intentions.

“You’re my client,” I explained to her as I patted her lower back and urged her to go in with me. “I want to make sure all your needs are taken care of.”