“Not really the ‘chill at home with Netflix’ kind of chick, huh?” he asked. “I always thought you were the kind of nerdy hot girl who plays video games at home and drinks hot cappuccino while reading a book.”

I laughed so hard at that comment. It was a little cute to think he thought of me that way. I then shook my head and explained, “I can stay at home and chill for games or movies but I just prefer the exhilaration from the outdoors.”

“This was really fun,” Damon then told me. “Maybe next time we can go out at the park and just ride one of those row boats. I know it doesn’t sound exciting but it’s at least a bit exciting and we’re not in the house, right? Jeremy would have fun too.”

“Oh shit, Jeremy!” I jumped when he mentioned Jeremy. I quickly checked my watch and hurried to get up, “Hey, I gotta go. I need to pick him up. Uh, I’ll let you know the next time we’re free, okay?”

“Is that a date?” he asked with playful eyes.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Yes, now scoot over. I need to go pick him up.”

Damon chuckled and bid me farewell. He volunteered to pay our bill and I dashed out of the diner and back to my car so I could pick up Jeremy. As I drove off, my mind wandered a bit and I couldn’t help but smile whenever I thought of Damon. He was still a little cocky rich boy but damn he was so handsome and turning out to be such a nice gentleman.

A few minutes later I was at the preschool and my son just walked out of the front doors with the rest of his classmates. I greeted him with a hug and gave him a big, wet kiss on the cheek.

“Baby, you’re always going to love mommy, right?” I asked him.

Jeremy looked at me with bewilderment and hugged me tighter, “Of course, mommy. Now come on, we got to hurry. The last episode of Dragon Raiders X is coming up!”

I chuckled and took him over to the car.



Emilia was so different lately. Ever since we got back together and began dating she’s always had this… air of eloquence but at the same time some raw power in her.

Since we started dating we spent most of our time out in town, taking Jeremy out to watch a movie, have some pizza or play games. It turned out he was also into football and for a four-year old he was really good. He got the sporty outlook in life from his mom.

However, it always puzzled me how she would never tell me more about his father. At times I wondered if I was the father – Jeremy was four and if I counted back to the night of our graduation then it would check out. I looked at that kid and at times it really seemed like he looked like me. He had the same hair, same eyes and the same love for football.

Those traits didn’t really mean anything because he was so young. Jeremy wouldn’t really develop his looks until his adolescence and by then he might look completely different from how he does today. Maybe I was just projecting myself onto him – but that would mean I wanted him to be my kid.

Those were my exact thoughts one day when I was out on my own, eating a burger at Mercury Wild on a boring Saturday morning, when Emilia texted me.

“Hey boo, I’m extra free. Do you want to hang out some more today?”

I looked at her message one more time. Did she just call me ‘boo’? That was like a blast to the past. No one uses that term nowadays and it was kind of cute for her to say that. It was also a little enticing because she finally stopped calling me just by my name.

“Okay,” I started texting back. “Where do you want to hang out?”

“At your place,” she then replied and I felt my whole world shake. “I just want to lay back and relax. Jack and Amy took Jeremy out to shop for their wedding.”

I raised an eyebrow and thought about it. Man, it would be so nice to have her at my place. However, I did swear not to have sex with her unless she was the one who initiated it. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to just be there together, right?

“Okay, I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes. I’m just finishing up my burger,” I texted back.

“Leave me some,” she replied and I laughed upon reading it. I decided to stop munching down on my burger and wrapped it neatly so I could give it to her. I then left of Mercury Wild, waving goodbye at Jasmine on my way out, and made my way to the car.

As I drove, I started to wonder why she was in such a hurry to meet up with me today. I guess she was just excited to spend some time with me without us both having to take care of Jeremy.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait too long to find out. Their home wasn’t too far from Mercury Wild and I got there in less than fifteen minutes. I would have arrived sooner if I didn’t slow down a bit so I could grab my cock and fix it in

my pants so my hard-on wouldn’t be so obvious when I got to her.

When I finally got there I didn’t even have to get out of the car. Emilia was waiting for me outside the gates, standing by the large oak tree across the street. She was wearing this really gorgeous pink off-shoulder outfit and Daisy Dukes short shorts. It was so damn skimpy I once again wondered if she was intentionally teasing me.

“How are you?” she asked the moment she got in the car. “I’m sorry if this was so last-minute. I was going to take Jeremy out because he had no school today but then Amy decided to tag him along.”