Page 19 of How Much I Want


Ireceive a text from my cousin Dom. Where you at, playa? Looking for the afterparty.

I’m at Sofia’s making sure her ex’s friends don’t bother her when they find out he’s spending Christmas in jail.

Oh damn. Everything ok?

So far so good, and I intend to keep it that way.

The girls say you really like this one.

I do.

I need a minute. My cousin Nico is talking serious about a woman for the second time today. I’m worried the aliens are gonna land next. He adds laughing emojis that make me smile.

I’m glad everyone is so entertained by my serious interest in Sofia—and her son.

Shut up.

More laughing emojis. What makes this one so special? Serious question.

Everything. She’s sweet and sexy and kind and a wonderful mother. Her life has been hard. I want to make it better.

Never thought I’d see the day that the stud named Nico G fell in love.

I’m told it happens to the best of us. What about you and the GF in NY?

That’s over. Ended badly when I told her I didn’t want to get married.


It’s for the best if that’s how she behaves when she doesn’t get what she wants, you know?

Hell yes. I know all too well.

Thinking about moving home. My lease is up at the end of Jan. Not as much fun since Dee left. Applied for a couple of jobs here. We’ll see if anything pops.

That’d be awesome! You can come to work for me until you find something. If you want to, that is. You still have a driver’s license, right? It’s a reasonable question since he’s spent the better part of a decade living in New York City without a car.


Job is yours if you want it. The money is decent, and the tips are great.

Uncle V told me I can wait tables, too, so between those two things, I could make it work until I find something. Thanks for helping me make the decision. I’m moving home!

YES!Dom is not only my first cousin. He’s also one of my lifelong best friends, and I’ve missed him since he moved north.

Got some extra rooms at my place. All yours if you want.

Seriously? The thought of moving back with my parents is unbearable.

I gotchu covered.

You’re the best, Nico. Thanks for the job and the room.

Can’t wait to get you back here. Let me know if you need help moving.

I’m getting rid of a bunch of stuff and shipping the rest to keep it easy.