Page 139 of How Much I Want

“You forgot the most important thing.” She turns in her seat to face me. “This. Us. You’re the sweetest thing in my sweet new life, Nico. I hope you know that.”

“I want to be that and everything else to you.”

“You are. Of course you are.”

“You tried to break up with me earlier,” I say in a teasing tone.

“That was because I was trying to keep you safe!”

“Don’t do that again.”

“I didn’t want to do it the first time. That was the last thing I wanted, but the thought of you being in danger is terrifying to me.”

“Likewise, my love. Keeping you and Mateo safe is my top priority.”

“Keeping you and Mateo safe is my top priority.”

“You forgot to include yourself.”

“So did you.”

“If something happens to you guys…” My throat closes at the thought of it. It’s unfathomable.

She reaches for my hand and holds it with both of hers. “You’ve become… everything.”

“Same for me with you. Every single thing.” At a stoplight, we share a smile and a kiss. “I had no idea it was possible to feel like this.”

“Me either. I thought I’d been in love before, but I haven’t. Not like I am with you.”

“I’ve never come close to this. I was waiting for you.”

When we get home, Gladys is asleep on the sofa.

Sofia covers her with a blanket and shuts off the TV before we check on Mateo. His little suitcase is packed and ready for the trip. He’s asleep with his arm hanging off the bed. Sofia resituates him and covers him with practiced ease, as if she’s done the same thing a million times before.

We cross the hall to my room—or is it ours now?

“We need to pack,” she says.

“I don’t want to.” I slide my arms around her from behind. “There are so many better things we can do.”

“Later. First, we pack.”

“You’re no fun.”

“Yes, I am, but our flight is early, and we need to do it now. My dad told me it’s very cold in Minnesota, so Gladys brought some warmer clothes from my place to add to what I bought. Do you have a winter coat?”

Groaning, I follow her into my walk-in closet. “Yes, I have a winter coat.” Once again, I wrap my arms around her. “Are you going to keep me warm in Minnesota?”

Laughing, she shakes me off and gets busy packing. “The sooner you get done, the faster we go to bed.”

I’ve never packed so fast in my life. Jeans. Sweaters. Boots. Underwear. Done.

“You forgot your toothbrush,” Sofia says as she meticulously folds every item before placing it into her suitcase.

“I’ll need it in the morning. I won’t forget it. Don’t worry.” I give her ponytail a gentle tug. “Come to bed. I need to hold you.”

Smiling up at me, she says, “Your grandmother is right about you—and so am I. You’re the devil.”