Page 136 of How Much I Want


After a visit at the hospital with Milo, who seems much better today, I’m on edge all night, waiting for Joaquín to make good on his promises, despite what I said to her. At every red light, I find myself glancing at the cars next to me, looking for someone who’d rather see me dead than with Sofia. Between multiple trips to the airport and a run to a Key Biscayne hotel, I cruise past the restaurant. I’m not even sure what I’m looking for, but I’m happy to see a police car parked outside each time I go by.

I put through a call to Miguel.

“Hey, man, how you doing?”

“Pretty good considering my life has been threatened.”

“That guy is an idiot. The prosecutor is adding two more felony charges to what he’s already looking at. He’s handing them their case.”

“Any word from the judge?”

“Just now. He’s halted all visitation and phone calls for Joaquín and assigned him to the SHU—a special housing unit that takes him out of the general population, so there’s no chance he can get his orders out via other prisoners.”

“Oh, that’s great news. Sofia will be so relieved. She said she’d heard there’s been some infighting among his friends.”

“We’ve heard that, too.”

“So, they might have other worries besides whether Joaquín’s ex-wife has a new boyfriend.”

“That’s the hope, but we’re not taking any chances after what was done to Milo. We’ll have cops on you guys until you leave town tomorrow and then when you get back. Joaquín and Diego are due to be arraigned tomorrow on the original charges, and the new charges for Joaquín.”

“I’m glad we’re getting out of here for a few days.”

“What’s in Minnesota, anyway?”

“The father Sofia has never met.”

“Oh, damn.”

“Yeah, she’s excited and nervous.”

“I’ll bet. Well, try to enjoy yourselves.”

“Will my family be safe while I’m gone? I worry that if Joaquín already put out the word and they can’t find me, they’ll go for someone else.”

“We’ve got eyes on all his known associates and officers watching the restaurant, your parents’ home, the entrance to your neighborhood and Sofia’s building. We’re sort of hoping they’re stupid enough to show up in one of those places.”

My heart aches at the thought of any of my family members in danger because of me. It’s unbearable.

“It’s going to be fine, Nico. Go on your trip and don’t worry. We’re not picking up on any sign of them receiving orders from Joaquín, and with him in the SHU, he’s on lockdown for the time being anyway.”

“Thanks for everything, Miguel.”

“You got it. Will you update Sofia about the judge’s orders? That’ll save me a call.”

“I will. No problem.”

“Thanks. Have a great trip. I’ll keep you posted on any developments.”

“I owe you big, man.”

“Just doing my job.”

When I end the call with him, I leave a message for Sofia, telling her about the judge’s orders so she’ll get the news as soon as her shift ends. My last run of the night is an airport pickup with a drop-off in Brickell. With my passenger delivered, I head straight for the restaurant, hoping to catch Sofia before she leaves so I can follow her home.

I’m relieved to see her car still in the lot when I pull in. I get out of my car and take a long look around, my heart beating faster than usual. As I head inside through the back door, it occurs to me that anyone could walk in that door with a gun and change our lives forever. I’ve never had such a thought in this place that’s been a second home to me all my life. I hate Joaquín and his threats for making me have it now.