Page 125 of How Much I Want

I swallow hard when I hear that. I mean, I knew it was bad, but I hadn’t heard it was that close a call.

“And you got lucky because Dr. Northrup was here and could operate. People treat him like a god around here.”

“He’s married to my cousin Carmen.”

“I know. He’s an incredible surgeon.”

“He is. Do you know Dr. Wyatt Blake?”

“Of course. He’s another rock star in this place.”

“He’s engaged to my sister Dee.”

“I saw them here together yesterday. The women in your life sure know how to pick them, huh?”

I haven’t given that much thought, but it’s true. “I guess so.”

“Having Dr. Northrup operate on you probably saved your life and your mobility.”

“I feel very fortunate that it wasn’t worse. When they asked me to wiggle my fingers and toes, I had no idea how much was riding on that at the time.”

“There was a lot of relief when you could do that. Your brother… Nico, right?”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“I saw him sobbing like a baby after he saw you for the first time after the surgery. I felt so badly for him.”

“He blames himself for me being here. Sofia does, too. That’s his girlfriend.”

“It’s not like they shot you.”

“Try telling them that.”

“I suppose it’s only natural they’d feel guilty. It’ll take some time, but they’ll get past that, especially when they see you on the road to a full recovery.”

“I hope so. Sofia and her son, Mateo, have been great for Nico. He’s different since they came along.”

“How so?”

“He was a world-class player until he met her. He hasn’t so much as glanced at another woman since the first time he saw her.”

“Wow. I love that. Sounds like he’s found the one.”

“I think so, but then this had to happen. I just hope it hasn’t effed up things for them, you know?”

“I’m sure they’ve struggled with it, but are they still together?”

“As far as I know.”

“Then they’re probably working through it, which is a good test of their bond.”

“I hate to be the one testing their bond. I like her for him. She’s fantastic, and her son is great, too.”

“Just like they’re not the ones who shot you, you’re not the one who tested their relationship. All the blame goes to the shooters.”


“Did they get them?”