Page 151 of How Much I Want



We have the quietest sex of our lives in her sister’s bed, with Mateo asleep on the air mattress on the floor.

“I feel dirty for doing that in your sister’s bed,” I whisper to her afterward.

“Stop. Don’t even say it. We’re going straight to hell.”

I cup her breast and play with her nipple. “But what a way to go.”

She shivers and presses into me, as if she’s already thinking about round two.

After we sent a text with our news and a photo of Sofia wearing the ring to my family, the congratulations came flooding in. Everyone is thrilled for us, which makes me so happy. I could never have married someone they don’t love as much as I do.

I never could’ve married anyone but her.

Raising my head from her shoulder, I look down at her. “Thank you for saying yes.”

“Thank you for asking and for everything else you did, too.”

“We’re going to have the best life together.”

“I can’t wait for all of it.”

“Me, too, love.”


I’m sick of being in the hospital, sick of being stuck in bed, sick of the itching around the screws that hold the damn halo in place. And don’t get me started on the freaking catheter. That’s the worst. Even though I hate almost everything about being here, there’s one bright, shining light amid all the misery.

I count the hours each day until she comes on duty at three p.m.

Her days off are the worst, with nothing to look forward to, other than the visits with my wonderful family members. They bring me so much food that I can share it with everyone on the floor.

Gianna told me they’ve also been keeping the nurses fed, which has made me the most popular patient on the ward.

That’s what my family does best. They feed people, and it doesn’t surprise me that they’re doing what they do while I’m in here.

It’s five minutes to three, and the clock is moving backward, or so it seems to me as I watch mindless TV and wait for her.

I think a lot about what her fiancé did to her, and it makes me so mad on her behalf. Why would anyone wait until the absolute last minute to decide he didn’t want to get married? And was the man insane? She’s stunning and sweet and sexy and caring. Who does he think he’s going to find that’s better than her?

I’ve decided his insanity is my good fortune.

When she comes in, the first thing I notice is the smile she’s always wearing when she enters the room. Her silky dark hair is up in a ponytail that puts her pretty face on full display. I could look at that face for hours and never get tired of the view.

“Hi there. I heard you were up and walking today. That’s awesome!”

“It was all kinds of fun, let me tell you. Especially with this ridiculous catheter along for the ride.”

“I have good news for you. Dr. Northrup put in orders to remove it, so we can do that right away if you’re game.”

“You mean… You would remove it?”


I’m not at all sure how I feel about that. “I, uh…”