Page 7 of One Wish

“I’ll be fine. I’ve been saving all the money made from the café since your father died and have built quite the nest egg. What with that, and your dad’s pension fund he saved, I will live a more than comfortable life the rest of my years.”

Admitting defeat, I say, “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

The food we pre-ordered arrives, so we start tucking in, the conversation and champagne flowing. Laughter is all we hear at the table, and it warms my heart to see such happiness on all my friends’ and family’s faces. Once the plates are taken it’s not long before the room turns silent and the whole restaurant starts singing “Happy Birthday” the moment a waiter comes out carrying a cake with a number two and a number one candle sitting on top.

Embarrassed, I shy away, only to have Victoria shout that I need to suck it up. The waiter approaches my chair and just as he’s placing the cake down, the last sentence of the song is heard. I’m about to blow out the candles when Jason shouts, “Make a wish, make a wish!”

I close my eyes and it’s like the air around me thickens and zaps with a force I’ve never felt before. In my mind I try and think of a wish, and right then—in that precise moment—Eli Prescott springs to mind, bringing a smile to my face. I know exactly what to wish for.

I wish I could be Eli Prescott’s wife for a month.

I don’t know why specifically for that time. I guess a month will give me a true in-depth eye into the life Kendra leads with her drop-dead gorgeous husband.

Jeez, why am I even saying this? It’ll never come true!

On that last thought, I squeeze my hands together, open my eyes and take a deep breath. I blow out the two candles and instantly there is a ruckus as people cheer and clap.

“What did you wish for?” Jason asks.

Victoria nudges him. “Hey, you never ask someone that, otherwise it will never come true.”

I roll my eyes. “Believe me, what I wished for will never come true.”

“Was it for Eli and Kendra to divorce, so you can marry him instead?” She waggles her eyebrows at me. I chuckle, shaking my head at her.

“Let’s get this cake cut!” Jason shouts.

“It would be you who shouts about cake, wouldn’t it?” Victoria snubs, causing chuckles to echo all around us. It’s become a running joke that if there’s any leftover goodies at my shop, Jason is the one who will always volunteer to take them home and eat them. I’m so jealous of him as he eats and eats and never seems to gain any weight. Victoria called him an alien species because of it.

“My high metabolism is working overtime today,” Jason replies, patting his nauseatingly flat stomach.

With the cake cut, everyone eats in silence, enjoying the pink and cream butter icing. The sponge is soft, making the whole thing melt in my mouth.

As the evening progresses, the music becomes louder until the champagne gets to all our heads and we start dancing and laughing. So much laughter that by the time we leave, my sides hurt.

“How are you getting home?” my mom asks as we venture on out of the restaurant bar.

“I’m going to walk to the cab company down the block and order a cab.”

“Do you want me to come with?” Jason asks.

“No, don’t be silly. It’s just down the street and in the opposite direction to you all. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” my mom asks hesitantly, stepping forward to grab my arm.

I smile at her. “I’m sure.” I take her in my arms, giving her a big squeeze. “Thank you so much for tonight. I loved it.”

“Me too,” she replies, pulling away. “Text me when you get home.”

“I will.”

One by one, I hug everyone and say goodbye as I make my way down the block towards the cab company. As I walk, I smile, humming the last song we danced to, which was “Let’s Hear it for the Boy”by Deniece Williams. A cool breeze hits my face, so I close my eyes, taking in a breath, happy in that moment at how the night progressed, and thoroughly looking forward to seeing Eli Prescott’s new movie. Oh, yeah, and let’s not forget about the after party!

About fifty yards from the block I’m after, I start to wonder if I will get to meet Eli again. Maybe even talk to him.

As I think this, a huge bright light shines in my face. It’s so bright that I have to pull my hand up to try and shield my eyes. The light gets closer and closer and I hear this almighty screeching sound, followed by screams. And then…
