Page 36 of One Wish

He smiles.

A small gesture, but one that lights up the room—however long it will last. When the smile reaches his eyes, I bite my lip. His eyes follow my reaction, a somewhat puzzled look which lasts a fraction of a second, before he replies. “Goodnight, Kendra.”

I watch him leave the room and when he does it’s like all the air escapes my lungs at once.

It’s a start, I think to myself. However small.

I walk to the kitchen and all the while I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I open the cupboard and pick out a jar, then go in search of some scissors. It takes a few drawers before I finally land on some. I open them up, curving them around my top button, and then I snip it off. I hold the button up between my thumb and forefinger with a smile. I somehow feel… relief? I then drop the button into the jar, enjoying the little clang it makes as it hits the bottom.

Button one on day one.

Day one of trying to win my husband back.