Page 31 of One Wish

I open my mouth to say something back, but decide against it. This conversation is getting us nowhere.

“Is Paris on her way?” I ask, thinking it best to just change the subject. Not that I want Paris to be here. It means having to get my hair plucked and pulled before the dreaded shoot by the pool.

Natalie smiles back. “Now there’s the Kendra I know.” She taps me on the arm in the same way a person would tap a child on the head for being a good girl.

“I’m seriously losing my mind,” I groan.

“You lost that ages ago,” Natalie sings, waving her hand at me. “The only thing you need to lose now is some weight.”

I glance back at my reflection in the mirror with my mouth hanging open. “I’m skinny enough as it is!”

She fixes me with an unbelievable stare. “Kendra, you and I both know that there isn’t such a thing as skinny enough. Not in our world.”

“Our world sucks,” I utter under my breath.

“What was that?”

“I said I want to earn some bucks.”

Natalie chuckles. “All in good time.”

As she says this the door opens revealing a woman in her twenties, her black hair in beautiful braids, her skin the color of caramel, and her dazzling eyes, the same. This lady, who I believe must be Paris could be a model herself.

“Sorry, I’m late,” she puffs out, pulling along a small suitcase as she attempts to catch her breath.

“You have ten minutes,” Natalie snaps back to both of us.

Without another word, Natalie leaves and Paris gets to work pulling out brushes and hair pins before glancing at my hair.

“I’ve been told your hair should be up today considering it’s for a pool shoot.”

Right down to business, I see.

“Okay, sure thing.”

Paris’s eyes meet mine for the first time, trying to figure me out. I guess I never talk to her like this either.


She quietly gets to work putting my hair up in an intricate bun, my cheekbones now more pronounced than ever.

“It wasn’t bad, was it?” I ask, trying to break the silence.

Her hands stop in midair. “What was that?”

“The accident. I hope it wasn’t bad.”

She frowns a moment before getting back to her job at hand. “Six car pileup. I don’t know if anyone was injured, but a couple of the cars did look really smashed up.”

“That’s too bad. I hope everyone is okay.”

I wring my hands together as I’m nervous. Not because of Paris, but because I know I will be having to walk outside shortly in this skimpy outfit.

Paris hesitates slightly at my statement, but carries on until not a hair on my head is out of place. I study the flower bun on my head and smile at how well she’s done in such a short space of time.

“It looks wonderful, Paris. Thank you.”

The shock in her eyes disappoints me. I guess I’m not a fan of praise either. Go figure!