Page 28 of One Wish

Err… “I guess so?” My face must look as confused as I feel, because as she starts for the stairs and I follow after, Eleanor whispers, “You’ve forgotten your magazine shoot again, haven’t you?”

Oh, that darn thing Natalie mentioned yesterday. Yes, I did forget. What am I supposed to be doing? Posing? I roll my eyes at my own self. What else would the famous and beautiful Kendra Banks be doing? I can’t help feeling that I have never posed in front of a camera in my life. Well, not in the model shot sense of the word posing, anyway. Maybe, once the camera fixes itself on me, I will automatically know what to do.

I start for the stairs after Joyce, hoping she’ll know where to go as I don’t have a clue. I would lead her into my room, but I don’t know if that’s where she’s heading.

On the landing, she takes us to the room two doors away from Eli’s. A room I haven’t been in, because I’m scared I might walk in on something I shouldn’t.

Joyce immediately makes herself at home as I scan the room. It’s a mini hairdressing room with a salon chair and sink on one side and a huge mirror with a couple of chairs on the other.

Realizing that gazing around the room like I’m seeing it for the first time might look odd, I turn my attention to Joyce. “Would you like a drink of anything?”

Joyce opens up the case that was in her hand. It’s filled with more makeup than I’ve ever seen in my life. The way she’s looking at me, you’d think I just asked her if she wanted to drink cyanide or something. I’m guessing this is the first time I’ve ever been hospitable to this lady.

“Err… no, thank you. Do you want to take a seat?”

As she places her hand on the chair, a small but notable sigh leaves her lips.

Yep. She hates me. And yep, this is turning into yet another great day.

Deep joy.