Page 68 of One Wish

He’s not so convinced. “Are you sure? We should go home if you’re tired. You should be resting still.”

My eyes bug out of my head. “And miss the main event—the rollercoaster? Not on your Nelly!”

Eli laughs, frowning. “What does that even mean?”

I laugh as I don’t even know. “I have no clue, but I heard Michelle say it once and it stuck.”

“Ah, English adages. I can never comprehend them.”

I laugh back. “Me neither, but it sounded pretty good at the time.”

Eli takes my hand again. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home?”

I swiftly nod my head. “I’m sure. Let’s head for the big boy.”

As we walk towards the rollercoaster, my head still bothers me, but I continue to ignore it, determined not to ruin this day. We manage to get the guy operating the coaster to look after our teddy for us so we can enjoy it together. Ever-so-slight nerves kick in as we take our seats and the handles come down in front of us.

As we’re waiting, we glance at each other, our eyes dancing before mine make their way to his lips. I’m desperate to kiss him again, and we almost do but we’re jolted back as the ride starts. Squeals of excitement ring through the air as the coaster takes us up a huge hill very slowly, almost agonizingly, in order to make the steep downward spiral even more of an impact.

When we venture over the top very slowly, we are greeted by the lights, attractions and sounds of the fair below before being yanked violently down the tracks. Screaming loudly, I throw my hands up in the air, letting the wind hit my face. Lightning-fast, the ride swerves us one way and then another and then another before we’re lifted upside down, my whole body feeling like it’s floating in air. However, as the ride continues, so too does my nausea, creeping up and up like the little devil that it is, taunting me. My head begins to pound, and my vision starts to blur, so I’m eternally thankful once the ride has finished. Eli lifts me out, his smile fading when he senses something’s wrong.

“Kendra, talk to me,” he urges.

Then, my world turns black.