Page 65 of One Wish


Idon’t really care what he’s up to, as long as it means spending more time with my Hollywood heartthrob of a husband.

“You will have to wait and see.”

I purse my lips at him. “This is not a competition, you know.”

“I know,” he answers back. “I just have a feeling you’ll like this.” He then turns to look at Craig. “In fact, Craig, can you lend me your tie?”

Craig’s smiling eyes meet his in the rearview mirror. “Sure, Mr. Prescott,” he replies, untying it with his free hand before handing it over to Eli.

“What are you up to?” I ask again.

Eli pivots towards me, tie in hand. “Do you trust me?”

I bite my lip and relish the fact that he glances down. “Of course.”

“For this to have the impact I’m after, I will need to blindfold you.”

Frowning slightly, wondering where on earth he could be taking me, I nod my acceptance and wait as he ties the tie around my head, only darkness greeting me.

“Are you comfortable?” I hear Eli ask.

“Yes, but it’s pretty dark in here,” I joke.

Without seeing Eli, I can tell he’s smiling. “We’re only a minute away now, okay?”

I just simply nod my head.

With only my hearing alert, I’m glad when the car stops and Eli gets out and takes my hand. My other senses kick in big time, my heart swelling at his soft hands caressing mine. When he lifts me up and takes me under his arm, I allow my sense of smell to take over, inhaling his citrusy scent.

“I’ll lead the way and tell you when you need to step up. Okay?”

Biting my lip, my excitement bubbles even more as we walk, me a little unevenly, towards an unknown location.

“Take a step up.” I do. “And take another step up.” I do again. “We’re just heading through this door, so I have to guide you in first. As soon as you’re through, stop. Okay?”

I nod my head. “Okay.”

He guides me through somewhere, tells me to stop, and then I’m momentarily on my own, his presence lifted from the absence of his welcome touch. However, it’s not long before he’s beside me, his hand slinking into mine as he tells me to walk forward.

“I’m going to turn you around a moment. There, perfect.”

A fluttering on my hand makes me giggle. “What’s that?”

“You will see in a moment.” I then feel the loss of his presence. “Now you can take the blindfold off.”

I do as instructed, momentarily blinded by the light. Once my eyes start to adjust, I make out that we’re in huge, caged room filled with trees and beautiful blooming flowers. When a flutter of movement happens in my peripheral vision, my eyes zoom in on a mass of orange and yellow butterflies lightly dancing across one side of the trees to the other.

I gasp out loud, my smile no doubt lighting up the whole room. “Oh, wow!” I manage, my eyes fixed on the beautiful butterflies. I glance towards Eli who is right in front of me and grinning from ear to ear, watching me. When I place my hands out, a few of these brightly colored butterflies land on my hands and arms, my eyes taking it all in.

“I feel like a Disney princess.”

Eli laughs out loud at my joke.

“And you look like one too. I don’t think I have ever seen you smile so much.”

Eternally grateful, and also humbled at his thoughtfulness, I thank him. “This is truly amazing.”