Page 33 of One Wish

“Yes,” I answer, in all honesty. Although, I take offense to being called a halfwit. I’m pretty sure I’m not one.

Wilfred waves his hands around. “Okay, just try to relax and think about your favorite place… or person.”

I stand there, trying my hardest to think while all the while, Wilfred snaps away with his camera. This goes on for a few seconds, with him placing me in different directions and eventually getting me to sit. He snaps a few more times before sighing.

“This isn’t working.”

Disappointment surrounds me. I don’t like failing… at anything. It’s then, glancing down at a bowl of fruit, that I have an idea.

Picking up a grape, I place it into my mouth, trying to be all seductive and the like. Wilfred snaps a couple of photos as my head is held up high. In an effort to look suave, I suck in a breath to pop the grape into my mouth, but unfortunately it ends up shooting at the back of my throat. Inevitable choking commences as I scramble to get the grape dislodged from my throat. A hand pats violently against my back until suddenly the grape shoots out of my mouth and ends up in this lady’s bushy hair as she stands about trying to appear busy.

“Oh, my!” Wilfred wails as he waves his hands about dramatically.

“Here, have some water,” a young guy who looks about twelve suggests, handing me a glass.

“Thank you.” My voice croaks, so I swallow a few sips and try to calm my breathing. Man, that was scary.

“Are you better?” Wilfred questions. I nod my head, but if I thought I would get sympathy from this man, then I was wrong. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you today, young lady, but you’re all kinds of messed up.

“I’ll keep trying.” I don’t know if I’ll do any better, but I’m determined to at least try. Something in me knows what I’m supposed to do. I just need to channel that part of me.

Wilfred answers with a grumble, but then movement on the top balcony of the house has me glancing up. There Eli stands, blue shorts, a white shirt opened up revealing his perfectly sculptured and hairless chest. He leans forward, taking in the scene, my smile wide, my eyes dreamy.

“Perfect! That’s it! That’s the shot!” Wilfred screams. “Keep that gaze going. Oh, my, this is going to the one, I can feel it!”

Despite the incessant shouting from Wilfred, his voice seems to phase out the moment my eyes fix on Eli. It’s like everything else in the world doesn’t exist, only him. His stare back is one of wonderment, a slight frown causing a little dent in his forehead. However, the frown disappears the moment I beam up at him like he’s the most precious being on earth. But then, just as I think I see a hint of a smile back, Max yaps like crazy as he comes bouncing out of the patio doors and immediately heads for Wilfred. Gasps sound all around us as Max grips onto Wilfred’s slacks around his ankles and begins growling as he plays tug-of-war. When it looks like Wilfred is about to faint, I spring into action, shouting Max’s name as I bend down to pry him from Wilfred’s pants. However, when I tug a third time, Max suddenly lets go, causing me to fall. I step back once, twice attempting to regain my footing, but it’s too late. With Max still clung in my hands, we freefall, crashing into the pool with an almighty splash. My whole body goes under, but my first thought is that of Max and making sure he’s okay.

Accidentally swallowing a portion of water, I emerge back up coughing and spluttering, the sounds of screams and shouting from people overhead. Using my feet, I swim a little so that my feet can touch the shallow end of the pool before standing up with Max in my arms. When he wriggles about and starts licking my face, laughter erupts from my mouth causing all the shouts and screams asking if I’m okay to immediately halt. Eli, in lightning speed, is by the pool. He was no doubt concerned when he saw me fall in, but when he spots me laughing, so does he, causing everyone else to join in. Wilfred, obviously taking an opportunity, starts snapping photos, capturing the fun I’m having with an excitable Max in my arms.

“You’re a little scamp, do you know that?” I giggle at Max as he apologizes with endless kisses on my face.

Sensing something is amiss in that moment, I glance up, noting that Eli is now nowhere to be seen. Sadness consumes me, my moment of joy halted by Eli’s departure. I don’t know how I’m going to fix this, but I will damn well try. As long as Eli is in this house, then tonight will be as good a start as any.