Page 2 of One Wish

I frown up at Jason and Trent before moving towards the door. It’s not like Victoria doesn’t know how to use the machine, but then again, she can get flustered when it’s a particularly difficult order.

I take one step in front of the other noticing just how woozy I am and how weary my feet are. I’ve been on the go since five this morning, and it’s now ten. No wonder my feet want to give up.

As I walk out into the storefront, I notice a man standing with his back to me waving to another man outside. I frown, turning my attention to Victoria and noting that she has that mischievous look in her eyes again. “This customer wants a triple venti soy no foam latte to go. You know what I’m like with orders like that.”

I smirk at her before walking over to my coffee machine. “No worries, Vic. I got it.”

“Thanks,” she says, patting me on the back.

I busy myself making this mysterious man his strange order, all the while daydreaming about my birthday party later. I have no idea what my friends and family have planned, but I’m sure it’s going to be a twenty-first birthday that I will never forget.

Once the coffee order’s done and in a plastic cup, I turn, placing it on the counter. “Here’s your order, a triple venti…” At that moment I look up, and my whole breath leaves my body. “Holy shit.”