Page 57 of More Than a Story

Teagan sucked in a hard breath with a single eyebrow raise that their mother used on them. It always made them look intimating as hell. “That’s an excellent thing, so what’s the problem?”

Because it made the knot in her chest come back, because it made her uncomfortable, because it made her mad. But she didn’t say that. She just swallowed that thought down and pushed it away.

“I’ve told you—”

“Yes, I know. Some kind of sexism that makes it okay for men to sleep with whoever at work—even force themselves on their employees. Yet woman must keep even consensual sex away from the workplace.” Teagan always had a way of twisting facts to make her point.

Taran shook her head.

“Regardless of your sexist viewpoint,” Teagan continued not letting Taran correct her. “Your story with the Metros is finished.”

It was true. When Taran left Tahoe, she had enough to write her article on Tillerson.

“Technically, it’s going through review for edits,” she corrected.

“So, what happens when it’s finished? Are you going to call him?” Teagan asked as the eyebrow of doom popped up.

That was a good question, followed quickly by a second one. After the way she left, would Corey want her to call?