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“What is wrong with me?” I counter, yelling. She swallows hard, her eyes giving me some kind of distress I haven’t seen before as she straightens her back, her chin raised. For a split second, I wonder if it’s fear, but before I can give it too much thought, I snap again. “What is wrong with you!” Viciously, I point my finger at her. “Since day one, you’ve been acting like you own this place, waltzing in whenever you want. It’s enough, Kayla. Stop being a fucking teenager who doesn’t give a damn, and do your fucking job!”

She holds still, her chest slowly moving up and down. Whatever I thought was fear in her eyes is now gone, the light blue now ice cold.

She nods in disbelief, and I feel sick, wishing I could take it all back, but something inside of me won’t let me stop the massacre I’m causing.

“Have I made myself clear?” I add.

She snickers. It’s filled with contempt and sadness. I can feel it, even though I do my best to ignore it.

“Crystal.” Her mouth pinches before she offers me a smile that doesn’t match her eyes.

It hurts, even though I caused it.

“Great,” I mutter. “Now get back to work. You’ll understand when you’re older.”

She gives me a mock salute, and I watch her stomp out of my office before she slams the door behind her with a deafening thud, and I bury my head in my hands.

What the hell are you doing, Bodi?