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Kaylaiswrappedin my arms as we lie on the couch, half her body on top of me. We just finished breakfast and we’re watching one of her silly reality shows. Normally this shit would irritate me, but just holding her against my chest with my lips sitting on her hair, I don’t care. I’m completely content lying here with her close. I can’t believe everything she has done for me in the last few weeks. She bent over backwards to get my father at the fundraiser, something I didn’t even consider a possibility anymore, and after that, she threw me a surprise party. We agreed on friends, and I feel like we are. She’s my best friend. I can’t imagine her not being there when I wake up and I can’t imagine not asking her what she wants to eat for dinner. But after my birthday, I keep wondering if that’s enough. If it will continue to be enough, not for her, but for me.

If I can settle with friendship, but I also know the boys were right. What if one day, she runs into a nice guy who asks her out on a date? Can I accept that? Can I handle that? A primal instinct in me shouts no every time these questions flash through my head. I’d be jealous as fuck, and I know that says something. You don’t get jealous of your friends; you wish them well. You wish them the world. I don’t wish Kayla the world if I’m not part of it. I don’t think I can be her friend if another man lies on the other side of her bed. I know it’s fucked up, but I can no longer deny it to myself. If I can’t have her, I’m petty enough to say I don’t want anyone to have her.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“What do you mean?” She looks up at me.

“Let’s go do something fun.”

“Like what?”

“I have an idea.” A mischievous smile forms on my lips.

“What?” she presses, pushing her palm against my chest with urgency.

“You’ll see. Come on. Get dressed.” I slap her butt, hurdling her off my body, and she reluctantly gets up with a frown on her pretty face.

“You’re being cryptic. It scares me.” Her arms fold in front of her body while I carry my feet toward my bedroom.

“It’ll be fun. I promise.”

“Unless you’re stripping naked, we don’t really have the same opinion on fun. Will this be your fun or my fun?”

I hold still, laughing at her suspicious stance. “Your fun. Come on.”

With her eyes still narrowed, she saunters toward the guest room. “Get dressed for what?”

“Tea with the queen. Come on, babe. Stop fishing.”

“I’m not!” she cries. “But I need some guidance here. Are we going to get dirty? Do I need to wear a helmet? A bikini?”

“To have tea with the queen? I haven’t met her before, but I’m gonna go with no.” I smirk.

“Oh, ha-ha, asshole. What do I need to wear?”

“Jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie,” I tell her, then turn around to change.

“Will we be outside?” she calls out behind my back.


I hear her grunt before I disappear into my bedroom, changing into some jeans and a hoodie as I ordered her to do. I give myself a glance in the mirror, running my hand through my brown hair before deciding I don’t give a shit, then grab my keys and wallet to walk out.

At the same time, she struts from her room, and a lopsided grin tugs on my lip.

She’s wearing a white hoodie with her denim jacket on top while rocking tennis shoes and blue jeans. Her hair is up in a ponytail and I watch how she puts some lip balm on with the tip of her finger.

“Ready?” I ask, playing with my keys in my palm.

“I guess,” she drawls.

We walk out the door, get on the elevator, and I pull her back against my chest as we ride down. My nose dives into her neck, breathing her in like I need a shot every hour. The thing is, I do. I need to feel her, touch her, breathe her in every single time she’s near me. And when she’s not? I count the minutes until I can. I grab her hand while we head to the car, the move feeling completely familiar and natural.

The first few weeks I was hesitant about PDA, scared someone from work might see, but lately, I’m not really aware of it anymore. I try to keep my hands off her when we are at work, but other than that, I just give in to my impulses. And they are on fire when Kayla is around.

“Are you really not going to tell me where we’re going?” We sit in the car, driving through town.

“It’s a surprise.”

She purses her lips, her curiosity killing her.

“How long is the drive?”

“Ten more minutes.”

“Ah, darn! There goes my hope of going to Disney World.”

“Oh, trust me.” I grab her hand, linking my fingers through hers before setting it on her lap. “It’s better.”

“I’m sorry, better than Disney World? How is that even possible? Oh, wait! I know! You’re going to make love to me under the stars on top of your Charger.” She flutters her lashes.

The image makes me blink while my dick twitches. “What?”

“No? Never mind.”

“Where the fuck did you get that idea?”


“Rae?” I parrot, incredulous.

“I said never mind!” She giggles, and I shake my head, laughing.

“It’s a good idea, though.” I shrug. “But no.”

“Spa day?”



