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“Happy Birthday, man.”

“Thank you! How is the little man?” We break loose, and I fix my eyes on his wife, Charlotte. She’s looking amazing, especially considering she just pushed out a human being three months ago. Her dirty blonde hair is voluminous, framing her pretty face, while her green eyes are filled with excitement.

“Logan is great. He’s so sweet. I can cuddle him all day.” Her gaze turns to mush, her pupils rapidly becoming moist at the thought of her newborn, and Hunter pulls her against his side as he wraps his arm around her shoulders, then presses a kiss on top of her hair.

“Babe, he’s fine. We’re going to have some fun and we’ll head home first thing tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah.” She frantically nods her head as if she’s trying to shake her mom’s feelings away, putting a smile on my face. “Happy birthday, Bodi.”

“First time,” Hunter mouths above her head.

“You left your kid with someone else for the first time because of my birthday?”

She nods. “Of course. I wouldn’t want to miss your birthday.”

“Thanks, Charlotte. Means a lot. Where did you bring the little man?”

“Nana.” She smirks, mentioning Rae’s grandmother.

“Oh, then he’ll definitely be fine. He might even get his first fried chicken, if he’s lucky.”

“He’s twelve weeks, Bodi.” She shakes her head with a dull expression.

“Sorry, I know shit about babies.” We break out into laughter before my gaze falls on Jason.

“What’s up, Spencer? I haven’t seen you in ages!” I chuckle, then wrap my arms around him.

“I know! It’s ridiculous.”

“Are you still enjoying L.A.?” His sharp jaw ticks, and he exhales loudly while brushing his hand through his short blonde hair.

“Most of the time, yeah.” I give him a watchful look, silently asking for more, but he turns, twisting his body, tugging the arm of the brunette I haven’t seen before. “This is Julie. Charlotte’s best friend.”

She glances at Jason at that introduction with a little discomfort, then gives me a sweet smile as she reaches out her hand. Her dirty blond hair is cut to her shoulders, and her brown eyes give me a kind look, radiating with spirit. She seems like she’s got her ducks in a row.

“Nice to meet you. I hope you don’t mind me crashing your party.” I can see she’s a confident woman, but something in this setting seems to unsettle her.

“The more the merrier.” I try to comfort her with a grin before Kayla tugs on my arm.

“Come. Sit! Sit!” I offer Julie an apologetic look before Kayla guides me onto the red big corner sofa that sits under the window. The room is decently sized, giving us enough space to dance if we want to, while on the left wall stands a small bar with a bartender standing behind it.

“Can you put some music on?” Kayla calls out to the bartender and within seconds, a Coldplay song is audible in the background.

We fall down on the couch, while the rest follow, all eyes settling on me. I watch how Rae hands Kayla a gift, and she takes it with her light blue eyes glimmering with joy.

Like a kid in the candy store, she peers up with me, holding the silver wrapped gift in front of me.

“I got you a gift.”

“You got me a gift?” I parrot, a little speechless. The reason I didn’t tell Kayla it was my birthday is that I wanted to avoid creating a feeling of expectation. Our relationship is unconventional as fuck, and I didn’t want her to feel like she needed to get me a gift for my birthday. The fact that she did, though?

Well, it fucks with my mind.

It fucks with my heart.

It fucks with everything.

Kayla fucks with everything I’m trying to hold on to. Like a perfectly decorated Christmas tree, rattling until my insecurities and fears fall to the floor like shattering ornaments.

“Well, open it!”

In an astonishing daze, I pull the paper from the gift. And a book from one of my favorite authors comes out, mouth lifting into a smile all on its own. I’m about to thank her, until I realize the edges are a little torn. I flip it around in my hands, my fingers feeling the cover for any damage before I pull it open, looking for the publication date.

When I read the words I was looking for, my eyes almost fall out of my head, and I give her an incredulous look.

“You bought me a first edition?”

She nods, giving me a gushed look. The blue in her eyes seems to pop more from her desire to give to me. Her pink lips sit in a satisfied smile. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now, and without a second thought, I grab her neck. Briskly, I crash my lips against hers, not giving a damn who sees us. Hollars erupt around us, and she grins against my mouth while I hold her tightly against me. My heart beats faster, and an unfamiliar feeling ripples down my skin. I have no clue what it is, but it feels fucking good.

“Thank you,” I whisper, pressing my forehead against hers.

“You’re welcome.” Her giggles sound like music to my ears, and I can’t resist pressing another kiss to her lips, then I try to put the focus somewhere else by blasting, “Okay, who’s next!”

“I am! Just don’t kiss me,” Jensen replies with a gift in his hand, and we all laugh.

I unwrap everyone’s gifts, thanking each and every one of them before Rae decides it’s time to go dancing. She pulls the rest of the girls from the couch before they tell the bartender what they want to hear and they completely get into the song.

For the next thirty minutes, I sit on the couch with Hunter and Jason, discussing the new fighter that took Hunter’s place after he retired, but I can only keep my focus for two minutes before my eyes are drawn to the one thing that keeps occupying my mind. Kayla moves her hips smoothly to some kind of sassy song, and I watch her, sipping my rum from my seat while never missing a beat.

“So, what’s the deal between you two?” Jensen flops his body next to me on the couch, and I lock eyes with him.

“Yeah, spill it, McKay.” When I twist my head to Hunter, he and Jason have cut off their conversation, both looking at me in anticipation.

“Come on, guys. It’s my birthday.”

“Right, you’re thirty now. Old enough to fess up about your relationship with Rae’s cute little cousin over there. Or lack there off,” Jason pitches in.

“She’s not as cute when she’s living with you,” Jensen mutters, taking a drink with a half scowl.

“That’s because you and Rae had been hopping like bunnies. No one would enjoy living with you two.”

“Oh, you’re defending her honor now? How cute.” I give my friend a glare, suppressing the smile that’s dying to come out because I know he’s true. “So are you together?”

“No.” The answer is short and out before I know it, instantly chipping away at my cheery mood.