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“I’m not talking about McDonalds or anything. The best burgers are freshly made from ground beef with cheese and bacon. Though I’ll take a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger from Wendy’s any time of day.”

“You’re crazy.”

“It’s a good burger, Bodi,” she scowls.

“There is nothing good about Wendy’s.”

“Fine,” she huffs. “What’s your favorite food?”

“Lasagna. But not the store-bought kind. Fresh. With fresh lasagna sheets, ground beef, tomato sauce, béchamel, and pumpkin slices in between.” My mouth waters at the thought of it and suddenly my ramen tastes like shit. That, or my appetite is changing now that she’s sitting just a yard away from me.

“Lasagna is good, but it doesn’t beat a burger from Wendy’s.”

“Nothing from Wendy’s beats a homemade lasagna. I’m going to prove it to you.”

She frowns, though amusement is clear in her eyes.

“Before you move out, I’m going to cook you a homemade lasagna and fresh burgers.”

She gives me an incredulous expression, looking like she’s just bit into a lemon wedge, and I let out a chuckle at the sight. “Look, I can eat. But lasagna and burgers? Not sure I can handle that in one night.”

“Who says anything about one night?”

She leans back on the couch, relaxing while resting her food on her chest. “Hold up. You’re going to cook for me more than once?”

“You think we’re going to eat takeout every night?” I cock a brow, mimicking her stance, while I keep my eyes in place, unable to look away from her mischievous smile. She does something to me. I’m not sure what it is, but she ignites something in me that feels brand new and exciting.

She points her fork between the two of us. “We’re going to be eating together every night?”

”Is that a problem?” If she says yes, I’m going to be disappointed as fuck. Not that I’ll tell her.

“No,” she replies with enthusiasm, and the little ache that was forming inside of my stomach quickly disappears. “I’m just surprised you have time to have dinner with me every night. Figured you would be busy.”

“With what?” I know where this is going, but I need to hear it from her mouth.

“You know...” She averts her gaze, yet her smile stays intact. “Business, friends, girls.”

“Are you asking if I’m seeing anyone?”

“Noooo!” She drags out the word, shaking her head slightly, before turning it back to the TV, holding still for just a few seconds before she asks, “Are you seeing anyone?”

“Would you be jealous if I say yes?”

She dismissively waves her hand in the air with a stretched smile. “Nah, just wondering if there will be any people roaming around the house at night. You know, don’t want to get a heart attack from one of your conquests.”

“You’re much of a sleepwalker?”

“Oh, no. Only when there are hot men around. So, you’re safe.” She winks.

I want to yank her feet toward me and torture her for teasing me.

“You’re playing with fire, Kayla,” I grunt, though there is a smile I’m hiding behind my clenched jaw.

She doesn’t give me another glance, her eyes plastered on the TV.

”Ssssh, I’m watching this.”

If she was any other girl, I’d tell her to never shush me if she wants to stay on my good side, but I just look at her, amazed by her brazen attitude. Feeling like a fucking pussy, might I add.

Why am I her boss?