“Oh, yes,” she choked out, throwing back her head as her eyes slid closed. “I would like . . . I want . . . I need you . . . my love.”

He could feel her muscles tighten around his cock, spurring him to find his release with her. This time, as he poured his seed into her, he prayed that it did take root. Because he wanted nothing more than to have a child with her, one life brought into the world to replace the one who chose to leave it too soon.

Clutching her to him, he kissed her bold chin and firm jaw, which showed her strength . . . and the rapidly beating pulse at her throat, which showed her vulnerability. A sudden flood of peace washed over him as she nuzzled his hair and his temples, her breathing still quick, but the pulsing of her muscles down below slowing.

She drew back from him with a contented smile. “Now, aren’t you glad you brought me along?”

“Gladder than you can possibly know. I wish I could remove your gown and take down your hair. I still haven’t seen you that way.”

“You know you can’t.” When she smoothed back his hair, he smelled her strawberry scent, but mixed with something else. Jasmine? He couldn’t be sure.

“You always smell so good,” he said.

“So do you.” She sighed. “I brought my sponge in my bag. But I forgot to use it again.”

He chuckled. “Why do you think so many women have so many children when some of them know how to prevent it?” He tilted his pelvis up against her. “Because we randy fellows are so good at this that we make you forget.” Then he sobered. “I love you, my sweet goddess Diana.”

“I love you, too, Your Grace.” When he frowned, she released a peal of laughter. “I love you, Geoffrey Brookhouse, whether you’re a duke or an engineer of bridges or an ironmaster. Although some day you’ll have to tell me what an ironmaster is.”

In that moment, he realized she hadn’t said she loved him until now. Well, he might have taken her love for granted in the past hour, but he would never take it for granted again.

Past hour? Damn. The hour was up.

The carriage was already slowing as it approached the inn where they would change horses. “Better get back into your seat, Diana. It may take you a few moments to straighten your clothes.”

“Oh,” she said dreamily. Then her eyes went wide as she, too, could feel the slowing. “Oh! Damn.” Throwing herself onto the seat across from him, she started putting her clothes into some semblance of order.

He laughed as he wiped himself with a handkerchief and restored his clothing to its former state. “I see I’m having a very bad influence on you.”

She tucked in her fichu with a saucy smile. “No more than I’m having on you.”

Only with difficulty did he resist the urge to sweep her back onto his lap. “I need to get out when we stop,” he said. “We have to make sure we’re on the same road as they are.”

She nodded and patted her hair. “Do I look all right?”

“Yes. You look like a woman who has been well-pleasured by a stalwart fellow.”


“I’m joking, I swear! You look fine. Why?”

“I want to go to the necessary while we’re stopped, that’s why.”

“Just don’t take too long. We don’t know how far ahead of us they might be.”