“And yet I have no desire to marry them.”

Lord Fieldhaven took hold of his wife by the arm. “Come, Ivy. You tried and failed. I think we should leave before one or the other of us comes to fisticuffs.”

“Excellent idea,” Geoffrey drawled. “Leave. It would be so much more civilized than my throwing you out, although much less satisfying.”

“We’re going, sir,” Lord Fieldhaven said, and tugged his wife by the arm out of the door, as the three admittedly pretty daughters followed after.

In Diana’s opinion, none of them looked terribly eager to marry the new Duke of Grenwood anyway, but especially not given his response to their mother’s blackmail.

Diana wondered if she, too, should rethink the possibility of marrying him, even if he wanted to marry her, which was by no means certain. But despite whatever battles might lie ahead for them, she was fairly certain she wanted to be part of them.

As long as it meant she could be with Geoffrey.