
Agroup of construction guys come in on their break. They “just watch.” For free. Bunch of damn rocks. Pretty sure the doorman kindly told them not to bother coming back. Ever.

The place fills out a bit after lunch, and I make a pretty penny during my first set. As soon as I finish, one of the dancers tells me my presence is being requested in the office.

Stoney, part owner of the saloon and President of the Rolling Stones is sitting reclined in his chair, leather cut spread open wide, head tossed back, mouth in a slack O, and eyes loosely closed. Two long stiletto spikes stick out from beneath his desk. The longer the heels, the more experienced the dancer — only one other girl in this establishment wears spikes that tall.

Stoney doesn’t bother to open his eyes when he hears my arrival. Knowing damn well who he called in here, he nearly busts a fat as soon as the door clicks shut. Unfortunately for his helper, though, his cock is still full. A groan and shiver courses through him as I lean against the wall near the door and roll my eyes up toward the ceiling.

Apparently he decides today is a bit different. He clears his throat, and a hoarse, “Come here,” has the girl on her knees between his thighs stopping the manic bob of her head. His hand immediately comes crashing down on her crown and he simultaneously punches his hips upward and clenches his hand into her hair. “Did I tell you to stop?”

Jess whimpers, gags, and shakes her head assuredly. I imagine she would apologize if his cock wasn’t hitting her tonsils.

I approach his side, and his half-mast green gaze floats toward me, eyes scanning my new outfit. His eyebrows flatten. He knows who the piece came from.

“So, it’s true then?” he asks. “Kal is coming in early with his pansy ass crotch rocket club, and he didn’t even have the decency to call his pop directly. Fucking shameful.”

I shrug up a shoulder, not daring to open my mouth and risk saying the wrong thing.

“Move the desk back,” Stoney demands.

My eyes open wide. That thing is a brick. He raises an eyebrow at me and punches into Jess’s mouth again, triggering a gagging heave from her.

I scurry to the desk, curve my fingers under the edge, and pull. If this is the worst he has me do as payment for being late, beggars can’t be choosers. That hazy look in his eyes tells me he has more planned, though.

The desk inches backward, and his gaze drops. “Again,” Stoney insists. I tug harder, bending my body and adding my weight, hoping it’ll budge more. The desk gives from its etched depression in the vintage rug beneath it, and I haul backward nearly falling on my ass.

Stoney snaps his fingers and points down at Jess. “Come here and make her fucking do it right,” he snarls.

I step in and nudge her knees and feet apart with the tip of my platforms. She immediately opens for me, and I sink to my knees behind her, center pressing against her ass. When my hands slide along her sides, she relaxes, knowing I have her back and my involvement will make him come faster.

I brush her dark hair to the side so it curtains his thigh and lay my palm against the back of her neck, letting her know what I’m going to do with little hints so she can mentally prepare. My other hand curves around to the front. She presses her ass against me, and I tighten my grip on the column of her throat while pushing my opposite fingers through her hair. Then, I ease her head down on his cock, grabbing her hair in a fistful to lift her back up slightly. Again and again all the while Stoney groans and shudders beneath her.

Jess sniffs, I let go of her neck and run the pad of my thumb down her cheek to collect the tears that are tracking down them. Making sure Stoney is paying attention, I suck off the salty fluid. His eyes flutter closed, chest rumbles with a low moan, and he white knuckles the armrests. I let up on her head just enough to give her room to breathe and swallow.

In less time than it takes me to do a quick trick on the pole, his cock is empty, and he is shoving her away. I struggle to back up and move with the desk just inches behind me.

“Turn down an extra again, and my cock is going in that ‘extra’ tight, unused stink of yours.” Jess straightens and lifts her chin before giving him a tight nod. “Get the fuck out. Cover Lace’s next set; she’ll be in here for a while.”

Jess’s lips part in a quiet gasp and her eyes glaze over for a heartbeat before her lips press together into a firm line and she turns around and storms away. Stoney sniggers at her back until the door slams shut. His laughter comes to a dead halt, shrouding the room in silence.

Cock limp and glistening, protruding from the open zipper of his slacks, he curves two fingers in a come hither motion. Heart beating harder than the bass hitting through the walls and little pinpricks of goosebumps forming on my legs, I paste on a casual smile and approach him. Stoney wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me down. “Why did I call you in here, Lace?” he asks.

I refuse to swallow hard around the constriction of my throat and, instead, open my mouth, tongue heavy. “I was late,” I respond.

Stoney moves his hand down to my hip. “Were you?” he asks with a chuckle. “Well, damn, honey, I sure love the honesty. That will make what I’m about to do to you that much more appropriate.”

His hand slips between my legs. I make the process easier, and hopefully shorter, by straddling him. Might as well not fight the inevitable. Stoney never fucks me anyway — indemnity I have come to think must trickle down from Hell for Leather somehow — but he does get creative and screws with me, instead. I never know what will happen, but I do know Stoney is simple; treat him good, and he’ll let you off easier. Put up a fight like Jess probably did, and he promises to make our lives a living hell.

Thankful the crotch of these new pants are the faux leather portion and not the lace, I circle my hips against him and drop my head to his forehead.

In situations like these, I like to close my eyes and remind myself that the Universe is simply helping me manifest my dreams. Being here, right now, with Stoney is in some way interconnected with my future — the one where I am far away from him. From here.

Crazy, New Age, nonsense?
