“Now isn’t the time to be getting in a snit, babe. You want to discuss my relationship with Joanie we can do that later. But right now, I gotta get in there.”

“You’re a dick.”

“Not going to argue with you.” I spin her around and kiss her nose. “Cute that you’re jealous though.”

“I’m not.”

“You are. Shit turns me on. Drives me wild. Wish I could show you how damn crazy it makes me, but the clock is ticking.”

“I’m not going in there,” she huffs.

“No choice and you gave me your word that you wouldn’t give me any more trouble. Gonna enjoy giving you your punishment for it later. Don’t you ever take this off your neck unless I tell you to.” With that I bend a knee to hoist her over my shoulder and slap her ass. I carry her kicking and screaming into the Devil’s Playground wishing I was taking her to my room to spank her ass till it glows with my handprints.

Once through the door I place her on her feet.

The bar has been transformed. Tables decorated with flowers and shit.

Murder stomps toward me looking ready to cut my dick off and feed it to me. He’s one intimidating bastard. He’s a large man with brutal features and hard lines in his face that tell you he’s led a rough life with no apologies. For Hazel though, I’m willing to go to war. She’s mine.

He stops short of Hazel. “Who the fuck are you,” she screeches in his face throwing full attitude. Not giving a damn he’s the Prez of an outlaw motorcycle club.

I bite back my laughter and tame the urge to have her right here. Jesus she’s a fuckin’ nut in the best way.

“Your Uncle James.”

“So, you’re the one who set this nightmare in motion?”

“Not exactly. Tracked you down for your mother. My sister.”

“You can’t hold me prisoner. I have rights.”

Prez’s brows furrow as he blanks at Hazel’s statement. He stares her down and then he assesses the situation.

“You collared my niece?” he roars.

My shirt collar seems to grow tight around my neck like a noose. “Putting in my claim,” I tell him. Full stop. The simple and beautiful truth.

“I’m not your property,” Hazel whirls on me in attack mode. Her hand flies up, but I shut down her tantrum fast.

“Baby doll, you can play hard to get all you want, but we both know deep down you enjoy it.” I shoot her a wink and yank on the chain tethered between us. I know it and she knows it, that she can put on this front all she wants, but tonight it’s my bed she’ll be in. My cock that will be buried inside her. My name she’ll be crying out. My back her nails will scratch.

“Un-fucking-believable.” Prez shakes his head. “You’re giving me a migraine.”

“She’s a runner. Did what I had to do.”

“You delivered her in one piece. Let her go. That’s an order.”

“Don’t stray too far, pet.” I can’t help myself.

“I’m going to kill you after you officiate this wedding,” Prez warns. “Hazel, we’ll talk later. Was hoping to do things differently, but I’ve been waiting twenty years for today. Make yourself at home. Whatever you need, my good friend Slick over there will take care of you and get you to your mother.”

Hazel shoots us both a dirty look as I unclasp the chain to her choker.

“You.” Prez grabs hold of my cut. “Save your freaky shit for once Lily’s not around to see it.”

I lick my lips and say, “I’ll try.” I can’t make any promises when it comes to her.

Murder doesn’t know the history Hazel and I have, but I’ll fill him in later.