“Don’t like to repeat myself.”

“No. I mean why are you here? Carrying my picture in your wallet? You left me. Why show up after all these years?” I drop my gaze to my feet momentarily. It hurts to look at him now having his identity

confirmed. Though deep down I think part of me knew. We were always in tune to one another. Like our bodies are on the same frequency.

“Looked for you when I got out, but you were gone.”

I snort. “Right.” I don’t want to believe that. It’s been easier to tell myself that he never came back. Hope is a dangerous drug for girls like me. Tragic childhood. Unwanted. Forgotten. Unlovable, but Beni loved me.

Stupid, stupid heart. My chest tightens and I pull in a heavy breath. No one has ever saw me but him.

“C’mere, Hazel.” The way he says my name makes my heart skip a beat. It’s intimate, almost carnal. The way he looks at me as though I’m completely naked makes me wish I were.

I was addicted to him. Completely obsessed.

“You hadn’t got the jump on ol’ boy today I would’ve walked into something else entirely. Woulda found you taking his dick and you woulda watched me and felt me splatter his brains all over you. That what you want? To be playing games with men who don’t find it cute when you don’t follow through with all that teasing? He your pimp?”

“You think I’m a sex worker?” Wow. That’s a low blow. His accusation punches me in the gut. All the air I sucked in goes sailing right out of me.

“Call it what you like but never did I imagine when I took the beatings I did to protect you...,” he growls stalking toward me blowing out a puff of smoke and puts his cigarette out in a beer bottle before he’s on me. “Selling my pussy. Trading it for what? A little change. Better than that. Know what happens to girls like you?” He grabs my chin roughly, his fingers bite in my skin forcing me to meet his heated gaze.

Its as though the fires of hell are blazing in his eyes. I don’t know if I should run or give into him.

“Your pussy?”

“You know it. I know it. Belongs to me, Hazel. You have from the moment we first met. When you were just a dirty snot nosed brat.” His other hand moves between my legs, grabbing me with possession like he’s the damn king of my jungle.

He might as well beat on his chest like a damn gorilla.

I should tell him to go fuck himself, but he’s right about one thing. I’ve always been drawn to him in a way I can’t explain. Even when I wasn’t old enough to understand the things I felt for him, I sought him out. Crawled into his bed at night. Wanting him to do terrible yet beautiful things to my body without apology.

Warmth pools in my lower belly and wetness coats my inner thighs. Dirty thoughts of him shoving me against the wall and fucking me right here filter through my mind, distracting me momentarily from the matter at hand.

I can’t afford to be distracted by his charm and good looks.

Chapter Ten

I knock his hands away. “Why didn’t you say who you were?”

“I was about to when you fucking drugged me.”

“You did that to yourself. I was going to give that beer to Crystal because I felt guilty about using you. I liked you. It’s your own damn fault.”

Metal clanks and wraps around my wrists.

“What are you doing?”

“Was gonna drug your friend, huh? Guess that’s why Viking woke up with his balls frozen to a lawn chair, yeah?”

I pull against the handcuffs. “You made your point. Now let me go.”

“Not happening. What you aren’t getting, babe. I’m not here to play catch up. Was sent to get you.”

“What does that even mean? And what’s with the biker shit? Your name’s Holy now?” Anger flares inside me, and I debate screaming.


“Uncuff me or I’ll scream rape.”