I finish my cup of coffee and with no word from Crystal I have no choice but to reach out to Jackson as much as it pains me to do so.

Hazel: I hate to bother you, and I wouldn’t ask unless it was an emergency, but do you think you could give me a ride to Crystal’s? She borrowed my car, and I can’t reach her.

Jackson: Wow. You must be desperate.

Hazel: I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

Jackson: Right. Not good enough to see you except for when you need something.

Ugh. I don’t know why I reached out to him.

Right. Desperation makes people do stupid things.

Jackson: What’s in it for me?

Just like a man.

Hazel: Never mind.

Jackson: Come on, don’t be like that. We were good together.

He’s got to be joking. Jackson wouldn’t know good if it punched him in the face.

Jackson: I’ll pick you up, but there’s something you gotta do for me.

Hazel: Of course there is. What is it?

Jackson: I’ll let you know when I decide. On my way.

Hazel: Thanks.

I go back to my room and tug the first pair of jeans I see over my ass then sweep my hair into a ponytail after putting on my favorite worn Boot Hill Saloon tee. The logo is faded and there is a small hole in the left armpit, but I don’t care. I’m not dressing to impress Jackson of all people. I slip my kick ass black leather boots on and grab my purse on my way out the door.

It doesn’t take Jackson long to pull up in his beater of a truck. An old Ford that could pass for a lawn ornament the frame is so rusted. I keep telling him one day the damn thing will fall apart.

Throwing him a small wave, I jerk the passenger door open and pray it doesn’t come off the hinges. “Hey.” I climb up into the passenger seat.

“Hey.” He smiles, flashing his country boy dimples at me. Those baby blues sparkle bright in the sunlight. “Crystal still in the apartment in Antioch?”

“Yup. Still with Bruno.”

“Right.” He gives a shake of his head.

Jackson may be a lot of things but even he knows what a low life Bruno is. And that’s saying something.

“Thanks for the lift.”

“I got called in so if you want to drop me at work. You can pick me up later or I’ll have one of the guys bring me to wherever to grab my truck.”

“You still working at that warehouse?”

“Same old shit different day.”

How I wish that were somewhat true. My thoughts go back to last night. Replaying the expression on Beni’s face when he realized what I’d done. Pure disappointment. The attraction that sucked me in from the moment we made contact. It had always been that way between us. Things and people change though.

I’m so spaced out it takes me a second to realize the truck has stopped.

“You okay?”