Where in the hell are the parents? Greedy little shits but gotta respect the hustle.

“Here, man.” I slap a fifty in his palm and he holds it up to inspect it. Jesus. Kid is a gangster.

He nods, apparently satisfied, and shoves the money in his pocket. “She drives a red car. My mom said she switched apartments because of a mold issue.”

“You know which one?”

“Six C,” a girl announces.

“Cool, lil’ mama. Ya’ll do me a solid and don’t tell anyone I was asking. But in the future don’t be taking money from strangers or giving out information on anyone. I’m not a bad man but if I was... Damn parents need to talk to your asses about stranger danger.” I stomp off in search of apartment Six C.

I end up right where I parked. No red car and I can’t recall if there were one or not when I first arrived. Those kids coulda been lying. Guess I’ll find out if I wasted fifty bucks or not. I scan the front. Another corner unit. Note taped to the front door says not to knock until after ten. Dancers keep late hours. I’m willing to bet this is the place. Kitchen blinds are open, but place appears to be bare. I hit the back. Sliding glass door like the other. I peer into the glass through the slats of the vertical blinds. I see a couch and a TV but its dark and no movement or sound.

I scan the surrounding parking area but no red car. Place is pretty quiet. I get on my Harley and head back to the motel. I need a damn shower and to regroup before I hit up that damn strip club again.

My cell vibrates with a call from Roane. “Yo.”

“Where you at? Thought you said you’d help me move shit at the shop today.”

Fuck. I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Sorry. Listen. Remember that special tat I talked to you about?”

“What about it?”

I smile to myself thinking about the rosary being tatted around Hazel’s neck. “Better get started on that design. I’ll be claiming my woman soon.”

“I can do that.”

I hang up with him and dial Viking. “You still on Royal Road, man?”

“Yeah. What’s up?”

“Think Hallow has a cage I can borrow. Motorcycle isn’t ideal for grabbing Hazel.”

“I’m sure we can work it out. You headed here?”

“On my way now.”

Chapter Seven

Crystal dropped me at my apartment after the motel. Wanted to borrow my car to take Dayvon to a dentist appointment. She promised she’d be by around noon to return it. Of course, dickhead Bruno couldn’t be bothered to give Crystal use of her own car. That would be too easy and make him a good dad. Man is a real piece of work. I’d rather die alone than ever let any man treat me like that. Like dirt. The scum beneath his shoe.

This is why I live alone. Why I don’t let anyone get close. Not since Beni.

I showered and tried to sleep but no matter what every time I closed my eyes all I saw was Holy morphing into Beni. Part of me wants to go to him. The rest of me is angry and confused. He knew who I was. What he was to me, and he said nothing all night. Not until...I close my eyes and suck in a breath willing the tears to stop threatening to consume me. I’ve tried to let go of my past. To forgive and forget. I thought I’d moved on until the ghost of the boy I loved returned.

/> I’m not the girl he knew. I glance at the clock. It’s after two. I try to text Crystal again but there’s no response on her end. Where is she with my car? I hate to ask Jackson for a ride, but I know despite how things are between us right now, he’ll come through for me.

I roll out of bed and head into the kitchen to flip my coffee pot on when I hear it. The roar of a motorcycle. My heart leaps to my throat as the engine growls louder and closer.

Shit. Fuck. Shit.

I rush to the front door and peer out the peephole. I can’t see anything. Ugh. I move to the window over the kitchen sink which supplies a better view of the parking lot but also makes it easier for me to be seen. I peek through the small slats of the white plastic blinds glancing left to right several times. Nothing. Maybe I imagined it. I got other things to worry about right this minute. It’s not like Crystal to ignore my calls and text even if it’s a hey I’m busy or I’ll get up with you soon kinda thing.

Hazel: Hey, me again. Really need my car. Let me know something. Need to talk to you about last night too.

I want to ask her if Holy or whatever his name really is was asking about me at the club before she asked me to go with her to their motel room. I wait a few minutes and pour myself a coffee.

She’s either avoiding me or something happened with her and Bruno. A sick sensation coats my insides like tar. Something’s wrong. I know my friend. She’s never without her phone. Keeps it glued to her hand. Lefty gets after her for it all the time. Threatening to dock her pay when he catches her texting. Usually fighting with Bruno’s sorry ass.