“So Clifton,” I say, putting my knife and fork down once I’m finished with the main course. I notice Mercedes hasn’t eaten much. Is she trying to impress him? Or did I misread her, and she’s fucking nervous around this idiot? She also hasn’t touched her wine.

“Yes, sir,” Clifton says.

“How is school going? You’re still on track to graduate this year?” Clifton is studying law, and from what I’ve learned, he’s nowhere near the top of his class, but he is very popular socially. I get it. He’s good looking. And likes to party. I wonder if Mercedes is aware of how much.

“Yes, Judge. I’ll be joining the family firm upon graduation. Perhaps you’ll see me in your courtroom someday soon.”

Oh, joy. “Well, I’m sure your father is very proud of you.”

“He is. And now that I’m readying to enter the next phase of life.” He turns to Mercedes, and when his hand disappears beneath the table, it makes my own clench. “Well, let’s just say I’m very glad to have run into Mercedes at the party.”

“You know, Judge, Clifton and I were at a joint summer camp back when we were kids,” Mercedes says. “Remember that?” she asks Clifton, setting her elbow on the table and turning her head so her hair forms a curtain between us. It’s done to exclude me. I will remember it once he leaves.

He points at her, mouth going from an O to a wide grin as he remembers. “The canoe incident. That was you, wasn’t it? We all suspected.”

Mercedes sits back in her chair, opens her arms wide, and takes a small bow with a tilt of her head.

“That Mrs. Crotch deserved a good dunk.”

“Mrs. Crotch. I can’t even remember her real name. Can you?”

They both laugh at the memory.

“Now the skinny-dipping night…” Clifton lowers his voice. “I have a feeling you organized that too.”

“It was so hot in those cabins,” Mercedes says, glancing at me. “I was just cooling off with a midnight swim, and my suit was still drying from earlier that day. How was I to know everyone would follow little ole me?”

Clifton is about to make a comment, but I stand and put my napkin over my plate.

“I hope you’ve enjoyed your evening,” I say to Clifton.

Clifton takes the hint and begins to rise, but Mercedes grabs his hand and holds it. “Sit, Clifton. We haven’t even had dessert. Besides, this is the most fun I’ve had in forever.”

“Well,” Clifton looks at me. “If Judge says—”

“Pfft. Judge will be fine. He’s much older than us,” she says conspiratorially to him but loud enough for me to hear. “He needs to get his rest what with his important work. You go on to bed, Judge. I’ll make sure Clifton is… entertained.”

When I take a step toward their end of the table, I’m not sure if I’m going to grab her by the hair and haul her to her feet or take him by the collar and kick him out, but I do neither as Clifton pulls his hand free.

“I’d better go anyway. I have an early day tomorrow.” Clifton stumbles over his words, nearly knocking his chair over to put distance between himself and Mercedes.

“That’s a good idea,” I say. Mercedes makes to rise, but I set a heavy hand on her shoulder to stop her. “I’ll walk you out.”

“I’ll come too,” Mercedes tries again to stand, and I squeeze, then lean down until my mouth is beside her ear.

“You’ll go upstairs and wait for me to come up. I’ll deal with you then.”