
When I get home that evening, Mercedes is dressed in a little black dress that she looks like she was poured into, along with five-inch heels. Her hair is twisted elegantly to one side and rests in thick waves over her shoulder.

For a moment, I'm confused about why she’s dressed the way she is, but then I remember. The cocktail party. Vivien’s birthday. I’d forgotten.

She turns to me. “You’re late.”

“I had some things I needed to take care of.” We had to change the locks on both doors, repair two windows and update the locks on those too. There wasn’t any evidence of a break-in, but it all took much longer than I expected.

“What things?”


“What business?”

“Nothing. I'd better change.”

“Nothing. Of course.” She turns her back on me, her attention on the portrait of my grandparents and my father, and I wonder if she sees the similarities between my grandfather and me.

I leave the room, take a quick shower, and then get dressed. Black on black today. Mercedes is talking to Lois when I get downstairs. Lois greets me, then leaves us alone.

“What’s going on, Judge?” she asks, taking the cuff link I can’t seem to slip through the cuff and doing it for me. I watch her hands work with the dark red nails. The gloss of her hair on her bent head. A flash of memory steals my breath. Mercedes on her knees before me, naked, choking on my dick.

I close my eyes and think about something else. Anything else. But to have her this close, to smell the hint of perfume, feel her warmth, and have her do something so domestic as helping me with a cuff link, it’s all a lot.

“Just work.”

“Liar.” She finishes with the link. “I don’t want to stay long tonight. Maybe you can take me out to dinner after?”

“We’ll see.”

“I just have to show my face.”

“I thought you liked these events. Everyone looking at you…”

She shrugs a shoulder, her mask of confidence faltering before she can turn away.

Stopping her, I tilt her chin up. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to go.”

“That’s your world, Judge. Not mine.”

“You just have to choose to make it yours. What do you care what they think of you anyway?”

“I don’t. I just don’t like people talking behind my back.”

“I’ll be there with you. I won’t leave you alone.”

She bites her lip. “Promise?”


I know all that’s going on can’t be easy and what she did still hangs over her head. No matter if we discuss it or not. I wonder what it will take to alleviate her guilt over the accidental murder. Because it was accidental, there’s no doubt of that. And that woman was prepared to kill Santiago. Her death is no loss to the world. But she is dead. And Mercedes killed her.

Raul drives us while two more men follow in a second vehicle.

“How much longer with these guys?” she asks.

“Until Abel is caught.” It’s not a complete lie. I am worried about what Abel might do to Mercedes. He had no qualms about having Santiago dragged before The Tribunal and accused of the crimes Abel himself committed while his pregnant wife lay in a coma. I don’t doubt he’d hurt Mercedes in any way he could. But Abel’s been in Tribunal custody for about two months now. He can’t get to her to hurt her physically. But she doesn’t know that.

We arrive to a candlelit event at the IVI compound. The night is mild, so people are milling about outdoors as well as indoors, and as I guide Mercedes through the entrance, I feel the tightening of her muscles beneath my touch. She’s steeling herself.

“I wasn’t sure you were going to make it!” a woman’s voice calls out as I hand Mercedes a flute of champagne. It’s Vivien and beside her are her two friends, Giordana and Dulce. I don’t remember any of their last names.

The three of them cross the courtyard drawing much attention as they sway their hips. They’re dressed to kill with not much left to the imagination. They all glance at me, gazes skirting over me, devious smiles curling their pretty mouths. They’re good looking, but this kind of woman has never attracted me.

“I wouldn’t miss your birthday, Viv!” Mercedes says loudly as they air-kiss and lightly hug each other. “You are the pioneer, after all. Leading our little group into the next stage of life.”

“I’d hardly call twenty-six the next stage. Besides, you’re just a year behind me.”’

“A year is a year. I’ll take it. Oh! Before I forget.” Mercedes reaches into her clutch and hands the woman a small Tiffany box. “Happy Birthday.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have,” Vivien says but greedily opens it to find a silver bracelet with baubles hanging from it. “It’s gorgeous! Thank you.” They air-kiss again, and I wonder how she stands it.

“You’re welcome. They’re from Judge and me.” Mercedes tucks her arm into mine.

“Well, well,” Dulce says. “So is it official?” She raises her eyebrows.

“Not yet. Not with all that’s going on,” Mercedes says, lowering her voice. I want to shake her. “My sister-in-law…”

“Oh, I know. We heard. How is dear Ivy?”

“The same.”

“You haven’t been to see her. Why not?” Giordana asks, and I wonder if Mercedes hears the note of cruelty in her voice. She’s clearly too surprised by the question, though. I see that on her face. “My sister volunteers at the hospital. She knows all the comings and goings.”

Fucking bitch.

“Well, I’m sure she missed Mercedes’s visits then. You know how the De La Rosas keep odd hours,” I say.

“Judge.” I’m surprised to hear that voice. Although why am I surprised? “Excuse us,” I tell the women and walk toward my mother, who smiles wide, and to anyone watching, I’m sure she looks thrilled to see us. “I didn’t realize you’d be here.”

“I’m escorting Mercedes, Mother. Nice to see you.” I kiss her cheek as is customary. She’d pull away if we weren’t at a Society event.

“I’d have offered Mercedes a ride if I’d known she was invited.” She turns to Mercedes. “I know how much he hates these things. I’ll take you home if he wants to leave early, dear.”