“Oh yeah?” I ask, leaning in a little. “Who were you wallowing for?”

She relaxes into my hands a bit more. She takes a breath. Her tits rise and fall. “Both of you.”

“Atta fucking girl.”

“The thing is, Baby, we both fucking want you. Neither of us will let you go. So you can either be the wedge that comes between us. Or the woman that makes us whole. Both of us.”

Isabel smooths her skirt over her mouthwatering thighs, finally pulling out of my hands for a moment. “So let me get this straight. You flew me all the way down here just to double team me…some fantasy thing for daddy and son.”

Her eyes narrow, brow lifted giving us both a fuck-you look.

Dad glares at her. He doesn’t like her mouthiness any more than I do; and yet, I can just tell that he also fucking loves it. Loves it. She’s the gasoline on our fire. “Wrong. And don’t you fucking sass me again, little girl.”

Isabel straightens up and takes a breath that makes her chest heave. “That’s new. That tone.”

Dad locks eyes with her, nods. Waiting. He’s good at that, the heavy waiting silence. “It’s all going to be new. And if you agree to this, it’s not just one hot night, are we clear?”

She nods.

“Say it,” I tell her.

“We’re clear. It’s not just one hot night. But if it’s not that, then what is it?”

“Trial by fire. A week down here with us. Just us. And we’ll see how we do.”

“And then?”

“And then we’ll know if it’s possible.”

“And if it isn’t?”

“You don’t ask the questions anymore, Baby. You’re told. You don’t tell.”

She growls then, actually growls. It’s the first time I’ve heard her make that noise, but it sure as hell won’t be the last. “That’s so sexy,” she whispers. “Why is that so sexy? I should tell you both to go—”

My dad holds up a single finger and she stops short.

Now that she’s agreed to the idea at least, I can’t hold back anymore. I lean in to her ear, nudge her cheek with my nose, and say, “Stand up, Babe.”

My dad nods his agreement and places her feet gently on the sandstone patio. “You heard him. Up.”

She does as she’s told, comes up to standing, and I turn her around in my arms. Her cheeks are flushed, pink and hot. When her pretty eyes meet mine, it’s like the whole fucking world stops. “First we have to level the playing field.”

Her eyes dart back and forth between mine, like she’s nervous—unsure where to look. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. Because he kissed you that night at the gala. And now it’s my turn.”

She smiles up at me and my heart fucking aches for her, just like my dick. I don’t know if she looks at my dad like that and I don’t fucking care. That look in her eyes makes me feel like the only man left on the planet, the only guy in the world for her.

“Yes, please,” she whispers.

I take a step into her, and Dad comes in behind her. I lean in, her peaches and cream scent making my dick leak as I brush her lips with mine at first, teasing a bit, until she’s pawing at my chest for more. And that’s when I kiss her, hard. I slip my tongue past her lips and knot my fingers into her hair at the nape of her neck. I growl into her mouth as I get lost in her sweetness and warmth.

I press so hard into her, she gasps into the kiss, her neck angled back with the force.

Behind her, my dad is feeling her up. I glance at him. Eyes glazed, jaw set. We cage her in tighter, and I slip one hand to the small of her back, pulling her even closer into me, letting her feel my erection, my need. My want.

Dad slips his hand up her skirt, and I hear the snap of her panties against her hip. She gasps into the kiss and I feel her tip into me on her tiptoes. She’s the creamy center between our two hard wafers.

She is the heart of everything we need.

I’ve got you, I tell her, without a word, kissing her deeper and deeper. Hang on tight, Babe. Because this is going to be a wild fucking ride.

I pull away from the kiss to get a breath, to get my bearings, to see her eyes dilated and desperate.

“I want her mouth first,” Dad says.

“No way, you don’t get to call dibs on this, old man.”

“Someone has to. And if I get the mouth—”

Fuck. He’s right. “Then I get that pussy,” I finish for him, then glance at Isabel. “I’m not saying yes, but…”

“Oh god,” she says, and I watch a blush explode from her tits all the way up her throat. “What am I to you? A toy? An object?”