And I did it anyway.

“I’m tired of y-you t-trying to p-pr-protect me. I d-didn’t as-as-as-ask for that. I nev-ver wanted it. All I wan-want-ed was for y-you to be st-straight w-with me.”

“Thomas, I fucked up….”

“Yeah. Y-You did.”

He leaves then, and I let him go. I don’t really have a choice…

Chapter 10


“What are you planning, big brother?”

“I don’t know w-what you mean,” I lie. Chains is gone on club business tonight. He didn’t want to leave Kayden alone, so I volunteered. I did it partly because I don’t want to be anywhere Dom might show up and partly because I want to make sure Kayden is okay.

I look down at my phone and contemplate what I’m doing next. It will make me as bad as they are, but I find I want to do it. Shit, I’m hungry to do it. I’m craving to see Gabby and Dom both get what they deserve.

“You know you can’t lie to me. I know you better than anyone,” she says, and she’s not wrong.

“Just let it go, Kay-Kay,” I breathe. She doesn’t realize it, but I need to get away from the shit tonight. It’s been consuming me for so long that the last thing I want to do is talk about it.

“Do you realize when you talk with me or Mom you barely stutter, for the most part,” she says, sitting down on the porch swing beside me. Hell, I’m not even sure you can call it a swing. It’s wide enough to be a double bed. Kayden said Chains built it so they could lie on it together and watch the stars. I saw Kayden’s face go soft as she told me that, and I always vowed that when Gabby was finally mine, I’d make sure to give her memories like that—memories to show her that she was the most important thing in the world to me.

I was such a fucking fool.

“It’s easier with you two. You don’t feel the n-need t-to f-fix me.”

“Dad and Dom haven’t tried to fix you, Tom. You aren’t broken.”

“Th-they s-see me as broken. Y-you know how o-o-over the top Dad g-goes. Y-you s-s-aw it up close.”

She frowns. “Well, yeah, Dad was a dick. I still haven’t fully forgiven him. I try to remember that he saw me covered in my man’s spunk the first time he saw us together. I think that probably gets him a little of a pass—especially since he thought I was kidnapped,” she laughs.

“Yuck,” I mutter, my face contorting as I do my best to rid myself of that image myself. That just makes Kayden laugh more. “B-brat.”

She curls her body into me and hugs me tight. “I know you’re mad, Thomas. You have every right to be. I’m just asking you to try and realize that Dom is hurting, too. He didn’t know Gabby lied to both of you.”

“Y-you believe m-me. Why c-c-can’t Dom?”

“Because he loves her? Plus, Gabby can play innocent really damn good,” Kayden suggests.

“Y-you don’t l-like her.”

“Not really, no. I guess that’s why I keep her at a distance. People give Jazz shit for being the spoiled princess in the family, but I think she mostly got that rep because she’s close with Gabby. That girl needs a wake-up call. Dom too, for that matter. She has her hooks in him, and I doubt he can fully see how she’s worked both of you. I don’t think you would have either if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, Tom. That’s why you need to cut Dom a little slack. He's hurting even if he won’t admit it to the world. Gabby played both of you.”

I find myself staring down at my phone again.

“Y-you ever w-want to leave K-K-Kentuck-ky and just live, K-Kay-Kay?”

“I used to,” she admits softly. “Living in Dad’s shadow was never easy. I figure it might be worse for you considering you have Dad and Dom. Sometimes, I think our brother has made it his life’s mission to become Dad.”

I nod. There’s really not that much more I can say to that. So, I just agree with her. “Yeah.”

“I did think about going to Tennessee once, but I mean, Uncle Crusher is there so I’m not sure it would have helped.”

“Probably. I think I’d r-r-rather go somewhere the club isn’t…”

“If you did that, it would break mine and Mom’s heart. You know I love both of you. I have the best brothers in the world. But you’re my best friend, Tom. You know that.”

“D-Don’t let Keanna hear you say that.”

Kayden frowns. “I don’t really hear from Keanna anymore since she got married. She changed some. Wealthier friends, more time with her man, just a number of things have kind of made our friendship fade. I mean, I don’t blame her. I have Chains and now this little bundle of joy,” she says, rubbing her stomach. “But I’m not going to chase her down to make her remember me either.”