“This shit right here is why I’m only using women for a place to let my dick play. No way I’m getting hung up on a bitch.”

I lean back in my seat and laugh at Breaker.

Breaker is one of the youngest patched in members of the crew. His name is Matt, and I’ve known him all my life. He’s older—though not as old as the OG’s. Nah, his dad is my Uncle Bull. If you want to get technical, since Breaker is as white as they come—complete with red hair—Uncle Bull is his adoptive father. Same DNA or not makes no difference to Bull though. His kids are his kids. Period. Hell, he’s so proud of Matt that he brags on the asshole constantly.

“I’m stuck, man. I don’t want to hurt her—or Thomas. I sure as hell don’t want to cause Dad and Skull to give each other shit.”

“I think you’re overplaying this chick’s importance. I don’t think the Blaze will declare war on us because you got your dick wet in the little princess.”

I grunt in reply.

“You know what I don’t get though? You all treat Thomas with kid gloves. He’s a man. Give it to him straight. I guarantee you he’d rather have that.”

“Thomas has had a hard life. Do you know how many fuckers gave him hell in school?”

“I do. I also know how many of those fuckers you beat down.”

“Damn straight. No one is saying shit to him if I’m around,” I mutter. I’ve seen up close how their laughter and stares hurt my little bro. He tries to act like it doesn’t bother him, but I know. I’ve always known, and I make every single one of those sons of bitches pay when I see it.

“Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe Thomas is the one who needs to do that. You, your dad, all of you coddle him. You need to let him be free to be his own man.”

“He is his own man,” I argue. I touch my nose in memory. Hell, he’s harder than I’ve even known. Breaker snorts, and I slap my beer down on the table and look at him. “He is,” I insist.

“Have you ever asked Thomas if he wanted to be part of the Savage crew?” he asks, and I snort.

“Of course, he does, man. It’s all either one of us wanted.”

“Thomas told you that?”

I frown.

“That’s what I thought. Not to bust your bubble, brother, but if you ask me, what Thomas wants is to stop living in the shadow of his father and his brother.”

“Fuck you,” I grumble.

Breaker just shrugs, giving a shit-eating grin. “No thanks. You aren’t my type, man.”

I roll my eyes and go back to drinking my beer. I do it while thinking about what he said though.

Is it true?

I guess if I really think about it, I just took for granted that Thomas wanted the same thing I did. He never argued when I brought it up. Shit, is Breaker right?

“Got you thinking, huh?”

“You’re wrong. Thomas would have told me if he didn’t want this life. If not me, he would have told Dad.”

“Maybe,” the fucker replies with a shrug, which just pisses me off.

“Let’s load up boys,” Uncle Bull announces, and I’m damn glad. “I want to get this done so I can get back to my woman. Speaking of which, Matt, did you call your mom?”

“Dad, you realize how old I am? You’re kind of ruinin’ my cred here,” Breaker mutters when Uncle Bull pulls him in, slapping him on his back.

“Ask me if I give a fuck,” Bull laughs. “I just want to make sure you give your mom a call so she doesn’t get pissed and keep her pussy from me. You’re too old to be cock blocking me. You got away with that shit enough when you were younger.”

“Jesus, Dad, I don’t want to hear that crap.”

“Again, boy. Ask me if I give a fuck,” he laughs. “Call your mom.”

“Fine,” Breaker says, rolling his eyes. “Geez, aren’t you too old for sex anyway? One wrong move and you might be knocking on the pearly gates way too early.”

“For that smart ass remark, you’re going to take your sister back to Ohio this weekend. Her car needs worked on, and I don’t want her driving it. You and I can run it up there later this week.”

“Don’t they make garages in Ohio?” he grumbles.

“They do, but I’m not trusting your sister’s life with a man I don’t know. Got me?” Uncle Bull counters.

“I got you.”

I’d laugh, but I know how he feels. Dad pulls the same shit with me.

It’s a little more absurd with Breaker. He’s a huge son of a bitch—all muscle and bulk. He’s bigger than Bull, but my uncle still makes sure Breaker knows he’s his kid and doesn’t let him forget it. Most of the time, I think Uncle Bull does it just to piss my boy off. I’m pretty sure of it. I know because that’s exactly how my father does me.