I’ve been waiting for him to show up all day, and when it’s closing time and I still haven’t heard from him, I start to get worried. I call him, but it goes straight to voicemail.

For just a second, I start to get insecure and wonder if he’s trying to brush me off, but I know that’s not the case. Not after yesterday.

I pull up Hailey’s cell phone number, take a deep breath, and call her. She answers on the second ring. “Hey, Amanda!”

I smile into the phone. “Hey, Hailey, I’m sorry to bother...”

I don’t even get it all out. “You never bother me. You can call anytime.”

“Oh, uh, thank you. Well, I uh, know this sounds weird, but I hadn’t heard from Chance and I was starting to get worried...”

She gasps. “Oh! He didn’t call you? Shoot, of course he didn’t. He’s too manly to call anyone for help.”

I grip the phone tighter. “Help? Is something wrong? Is he okay?”

Hailey answers hurriedly. “Yes, oh yes, he’s fine. It’s his pride mostly. He got thrown off a horse yesterday and dislocated his shoulder. He’s fine, though. It’s back in place, and now he’s just bruised and brooding.”

I grab my purse from behind the counter and go through the store, turning off lights before I head to the front door. “Is he at Jasper Hospital?”

Hailey answers slowly. “No, he refused to go. He’s at his house. Griff checked on him earlier, and he was fine. I promise if there was something I would tell you.”

I nod as I get into my car. “Okay, thanks, Hailey. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I hang up the phone and drive as fast as I can toward the Double B Ranch. I don’t even care who sees me going; all I know is I need to get to Chance.

I pull into his driveway and stop outside his cabin. I’m up the steps and knocking on the door without even thinking about it. When he pulls the door open, it’s obvious I woke him up, and he looks at me in surprise.

Instantly, I burst into tears.

He reaches for me and draws me into his arms and walks me into the house. “Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?”

I pull back and look at him with tears rolling down my face. I run my hands across his chest as I try to explain to him. “Hailey said you were hurt.”

He grips me harder. “Oh baby, these tears are for me?”

I’m literally shaking. “I was so afraid when I didn’t hear from you and then when I found out you were hurt—” I gasp and pull back. “Chance, why didn’t you call me?”

He shrugs. “It wasn’t a big deal, honey.”

I pull him toward me. “It is too. If you’re hurt or need me, you call me, Chance. Don’t let me find out from someone else!” I calm my voice and take a breath. “Okay?”

He pulls me to the couch and sits down, tugging me into his lap. “I’m going to hurt you.”

He moves his arm up and down to show me he’s okay. “I’m fine. What’s going to hurt me is if you don’t let me hold you.”

I lie in his arms and put my hand on his chest.

He puts his arms around me. “You’re still shaking.”

I press my lips to his neck and kiss him there. “You scared me.”

When he takes a deep breath, I slide my hand into his shirt, stroking my hand through the hair on his chest until I find his nipple and run my finger in circles around it. He puts his hand over mine. “Amanda, you don’t...”

But I don’t let him finish. I climb from his lap and drop to my knees in front of him. His eyes widen in surprise, and he leans forward to try and get me back up, but I stop him by pressing my hand to his chest and pushing him backwards. “Let me, Chance. Please let me love you.”

He leans back, and I reach for the buckle on his pants. I undo it and unzip his pants before pulling them down his thighs. He raises up to help me, and when I have them down his legs and off his feet, I toss them to the side. His manhood is bulging against his undershorts. I take a deep breath and reach for them when he stops me. “You don’t have to...”

I shake my head and shove his hands away. “I want to.”

I hold my breath and pull his shorts down. He’s hard, and his manhood is standing straight up. I can’t do anything but look at him. He’s big, thick, and completely engorged. I reach for him and wrap my hand around the base of him gently. On contact, I swear he gets even harder and longer. My eyes go to his, and I can see the immense pleasure he feels from me just touching him.