Slowly, they rocked into each other. Neither had anywhere to be and no concept of time. They could’ve been there moving together for days for all she cared. It was lazy, sensual, and luxurious. She’d have been happy to stay there wrapped around him for the rest of her life.

But her body had other ideas, and soon the need to come became too strong to ignore. She moved fast, lifting her hips and dropping down on him again and again. Each time they came together, she rolled her pelvis, putting the most delicious pressure on her clit.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he growled as she began to pant and bounce with more frantic need. They were both still wet, but not a smidgen of her was cold anymore.

Her sensitive nipples rubbed across his chest. All her senses were tuned into and surrounded by Scott. She was so close, vibrating with electricity and pleasure. “Scott,” she whispered in a needy plea.

“Got you, beautiful,” he said, working his hands between them. One firm press of his thumb to her clit was all it took for fireworks to explode behind her eyes. She squeezed him with her arms and legs, grinding into his finger to capture every ounce of pleasure.

“Another,” Scott growled before she’d even finished coming. He worked her clit with fast, skillful strokes.

“No,” she said with a groan. “I can’t. It’s too much.” A strange mix of lethargy and hypersensitivity buzzed through her. “Scott.” God, he hadn’t come. He was still so thick and hard inside her. Holding back had cost him.

The corded muscles of his neck strained as he clenched his teeth. His nostrils flared, and his rough voice made her quiver the same way his calloused fingers did. “You can,” he said, breathless. “And you fucking will.”

Jesus, that sexy, commanding voice could get her to do anything.

“Lean back,” he ordered. “Give me those tits.”

Olivia released his neck and braced her hands behind her on his knees. The position thrust her breasts up toward his face.

“Fuck, yes,” he said right before sucking onto one of her nipples.

She shouted and arched her back.

He thrust hard into her.

His fingers played with her clit.

His hot mouth sucked her like she was the tastiest treat.

Within seconds, she was hurtling toward another orgasm. Faster than ever before and, impossibly, more powerful than the last.

Using her arms for leverage, she pumped her hips in time with his thrusts.

“Fuck, yes,” he shouted after releasing her breast. “That’s it, baby. Ride my thick cock. Tell me how much you love me fucking you.”

“Y-yes. I love it. You feel amazing.” Words were almost impossible.

He looped an arm around her neck and then yanked her to him. One hand stayed between her legs, circling her clit and occasionally pinching it. He tilted her head to the side and latched onto her neck with his mouth.

He sucked hard. Olivia cried out even as she tilted her head to give him full access to her neck. “Scott,” she said with a gasp. Jesus, she’d be marked for days.

And why was that so hot?

“I don’t want there to be a single doubt who you belong to,” Scott said in her ear. “Any motherfucker who glances your way will know you’ve been claimed. By me.”

Those possessive caveman words shouldn’t have so much heat spreading through her. They shouldn’t have her teetering on the edge of a monster orgasm, but they did. Because as much as he owned her, she owned him right back.

“Yes,” she cried out. “Mark me. Do it again.”

He let out an animalistic snarl and then sucked her collarbone at the same time he captured her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Her pussy clenched hard around the stiff cock inside her.

Scott ripped his mouth away and shouted a slew of curses that were vulgar even for him. His body shook with wild convulsions as he filled her. If only they could stay right there, joined so intimately forever. Forget the rest of the world.

But his orgasm triggered hers.

It rushed at her with an intensity that stole her breath. She couldn’t yell, couldn’t think—all she could do was cling to him and let the pleasure devastate her in the best way.

When her wits returned, it was to find herself still engulfed in Scott’s protective embrace. His lips brushed over the mark he’d left on her neck.

She sighed at the gentle ministrations to what he’d done in a primal fit of passion. After a final kiss to the side of her neck, he met her gaze.

Much as she’d love to lock the door, bury her face against his chest, and block out reality, too much had happened to pretend otherwise. With her muscles still twitching from the staggering orgasm, she sighed and forced herself to ask, “So what now?”

HE COULDN’T STOP staring at the impressive hickey he’d left on her neck. No doubt his brothers would give him shit over it for years but fuck it. They’d only see the mark because Liv was alive and in his bed where she belonged.