He’d never understand how those slender arms hauled him over the ledge and back on solid ground. Nothing and no one else had been able to accomplish that since he returned from Afghanistan. When he’d fly into a rage, justified or not, it only settled when he’d worked the venom out of his system, usually through his fists.

But Olivia managed it with a few softly spoken words and a gentle caress. He tightened his grip on her face and tugged her to him, where he kissed her hard and fast. They didn’t have time for it, but he rested his forehead against hers. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”

“You okay?”

“I’m okay, baby. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

It’d been too damn close. Shit would have to change, starting with Olivia sleeping in his bed every night. His club had a target on their back, which meant Olivia wasn’t safe. The only way to guarantee her safety was to keep her close. Very close. So close he could wrap his arms around her. She’d have to be naked too.

For her protection. No other reason.


“HEY.” BROOKE TAPPED Olivia’s knee.

She turned from where she’d been staring at the still water in the pool. “Yeah?”

“You okay?”

Was she okay? Amazing how a two-word question could necessitate such a complicated answer. “Am I okay?” She took a sip, a gulp, of her wine, then pushed her plate of fish tacos aside. “In the last few days, I’ve been mauled by a nasty thug, gone to the police station to bail out a man I thought hated me, had more sex with that man than I’ve had in years, been attacked on the road by a group of renegade bikers, and now I’m sitting here with you pretending I’m not freaking out about this meeting the guys are at. So, the answer is no. I’m not totally okay. I kinda feel like I’m living in a movie, but I’m not at the end where everything works out. It’s right in the middle where everything’s going to shit, and you have no idea what the hell will happen.”

Okay, that was a lot. And she hadn’t even mentioned the ongoing texts from Lance.

Brooke blinked at her. “Um, not to be insensitive to everything you’ve gone through, but do you think you could expand on the sex-having part?”

She snorted, which turned into a giggle, then a full-blown belly laugh. Brooke laughed along with her. The combination of wine and stress had her emotions on a hair-trigger. Thank God they finally bubbled out as laughter instead of the tears that had been threatening all evening. She had no idea what the hell she and Scott currently were to each other but making him proud was important. Blubbering in the corner wouldn’t help accomplish that. Staying strong would. Strong like Brooke, who, in her mind, was the perfect ol’ lady.

Not that she envisioned herself staying in Florida as Scott’s ol’ lady. She had no idea what the future held, but she didn’t think Scott wanted her to envision a life with him.

“Not sure what’s so funny,” Brooke said, laughing right along with her. “I was dead serious.”

“Oh, God.” She set her wine glass down and shook her head. “I have no idea what the hell we’re doing, but ever since Scott got home from jail, we can’t keep our hands off each other. We’ve moved past hatred to… something else.”

“What is it they say? There’s a fine line between love and hate.” Brooke pursed her lips. “I think that’s it. Someone said something like that anyway.”

“Yeah, don’t think love is the word I’d use. Lust, for sure. Pent-up aggression. High stress? Whatever it is, it’s freakin’ hot.” Her face heated as she said the words. She’d never had a girlfriend she’d been comfortable enough to confide in like this. They all tried to one-up each other with their sexual exploits and purse purchases.

Giggling, Brooke closed her eyes and nodded.

“What are you doing?”

“Imagining it. You’re right. Dayum, girl, that is hot.”

“Hey!” She threw the cork at Brooke. “Keep your thoughts on your own man and away from Scott.”

One of Brooke’s eyes popped open. “Is that jealousy I hear? Might there be more than lust?”

Her face flamed. “No. I’m just trying to save you from Curly’s wrath.”

“Please.” Brooke waved a hand in front of her face. “I’m not scared of that man. His punishments always come with extra orgasms for me.” She winked then got a horrified look on her face. “Sorry. I think I had too much wine. My mouth and brain are no longer connected.”

“No, it’s good.” Any distraction worked. “It’s keeping my mind off this meeting.” And Lance.

There went any lightness in the conversation. Brooke seemed to sober up in an instant. “Curly and I haven’t been together that long. Not quite a year, so I’m not the most experienced at club conflict, but there was some initially. I have no idea how this meeting will turn out tonight, but what I do know is that these guys trust each other and have each other’s backs one hundred percent. They’ll keep each other safe no matter what happens.”