With a sigh, he tried to shift his focus from the woman draped all over him to the allure of the ride. Typically, he loved each mile for its freedom and power to clear his mind. Tonight he couldn’t clear his thoughts, and they all revolved around the gorgeous sister of his best friend.

He had to stop obsessing about it. She didn’t owe him any explanations. And if she was there hiding from the embarrassment, who was he to judge? Hell, maybe she’d decided to slum it with an MC as revenge. Fucking a biker would send a strong message of how pissed she was. The guy would show up with flowers and something sparkly in a few weeks, wooing her back. Hell, it didn’t matter anyway. Once he told her about his role in Deke’s death, she’d run back to her world, leaving Scott in his.

It didn’t matter why she was there. Scott didn’t do long-term, and even without his part in Deke’s death, Olivia would never want long-term with a motorcycle club. They’d have a few weeks of hot sexy fun, repair the divide between them, share stories of Deke, and that’d be that. A hot memory to look back on.

There you go making assumptions again.

The ride passed too fast, and before he knew it, he’d parked in the empty beach lot under a streetlamp.

“Is the beach even open to the public at this time of night?” Olivia asked as she glanced around the carless space.

With a shrug, he climbed off the bike. “Don’t know. The place isn’t blocked off so, yes?” He turned to find her scanning their surroundings. “Do you care?” While he waited for her to answer, he unclipped the helmet she’d borrowed. When he removed it, static made her hair grow in volume.

“No, I guess not,” she said, still not looking convinced.

He winked, then smoothed her hair back in place. “Promise I won’t get your pretty ass in trouble.”

“Hmm, I was hoping it could get in at least a little trouble.” She tilted her head and gave him a playful grin. “If you know what I mean.”

Chuckling, he grabbed her around the waist and hauled her off the bike. She squeaked and clutched his arms but laughed loud when he set her on her feet. “Think I can figure it out.” His hands went to her ass, and he squeezed. “I promise that kind of trouble is always part of the plan.”

He kissed her unglossed lips. She opened for him immediately, letting his tongue claim her mouth. She tasted of the wine she’d had at dinner. The throaty whimper that escaped her had his cock twitching. With a growl of regret, he wrestled his mouth away from hers. “C’mon. I’ve got a blanket. Let’s sit.”

After retrieving the blanket that lived in his saddlebag for impromptu beach visits, he grabbed her hand. Together, they strolled onto the sand halfway between the parking lot and the surf. “This spot good?”

Livy faced him. The light breeze blew her hair around her face in a gentle dance. Her eyes glowed in the moonlight. Clear skies and a full moon made for the perfect amount of light. “This is wonderful. It’s so beautiful here. So peaceful at night. I haven’t been to the beach in forever.”

Exactly why he’d wanted to bring her. “Help me spread this out.”

With a squeak of happiness, Livy grabbed the other end of the blanket and helped him spread it on the sand. She kicked off her shoes and plopped down with a hum.

He stood like an idiot staring down at her as she dug her pink-tipped toes in the sand.

She beamed up at him. “You gonna sit or stare all night?”

“I’ll sit. Gonna stare for a few more seconds first.”

With a snort, she shook her head. “Creeper,” she said, but the word held no heat.

That had him laughing. He liked her sass and that she wasn’t afraid to dish it out to him. Since leaving the military, he knew what an ornery asshole he’d become. And how his temper lived on a hair-trigger. And how the grown-ass men of his club often kept a wide berth. But not Livy. She had no problem getting in his face with teasing or even telling him off. It reminded him of Deke.

There were many things he was learning he liked about her. Things beyond her perky tits, tight ass, and wet pussy. And that’s why he had to tell her the truth about what happened to her brother.

But then she let out a little hum of delight. “You know, even with the creeper act, this is kind of perfect.”

SCOTT’S DEMEANOR CHANGED in an instant. He’d gone from watching her with appreciation to a stiff block of ice seated beside her, staring out at the Gulf of Mexico.

Frowning, Olivia replayed the past few moments in her head. Had she said something to set him off? Piss him off? Sure, she’d teased, but he’d seemed to take her joking in stride. In fact, that was something she liked about him. He could handle her sarcastic personality. The natural inclinations she’d been suppressing for years.