Would she be disgusted by what he’d done? Slapping a man unprovoked? Probably.

When he met her gaze, he got his answer, but not the one he’d expected. She stared straight at him then nodded and gave him a small smile. Almost as though thanking him for looking out for her.

That couldn’t be right. The Olivia he knew would turn her nose up at the possessive display, even if it were all for show.

Then again, the Olivia he knew wouldn’t wear those damn short cutoffs and that tight-as-fuck tank top.

So maybe he didn’t know Olivia at all.

OLIVIA STAYED SITTING on the picnic table, watching the wind rustle the grass and the chickens running around long after the guys went inside. If anyone in Chicago saw her, they’d think she’d had a lobotomy.

But she loved it there. The warmth, the fresh air, the peace of nature. So many things she’d never bothered to enjoy all spread out before her. Taking advantage of it soothed her soul.

The quiet gave her much-needed time to think as well. Before Jinx had joined her, she’d been scrolling through Lance’s social media accounts under her father’s name. She had his passwords memorized since she’d set it up for her dad.

Careful not to inadvertently comment or like any of the posts, she’d scanned everything Lance posted in the past few weeks, searching for any mention of her. By now, people had to be talking, right? Wondering where she’d run off to? Curious as to why she’d bailed on her commitments and hadn’t accompanied Lance to any functions.

The answer had come in the form of a tweet from Lance stating she was struggling with depression and had checked herself into a mental health wellness facility in Sweden for thirty days.

Comments had poured in. Love from hordes of people who didn’t actually give a crap about her but wanted to be on Lance’s good side.


But at least it gave her a few more weeks of reprieve before people would wonder where she’d run off to. Of course, if Lance found her and killed her, that would work to his advantage much more than hers.

That was enough. She rose from the picnic table. If she sat out there much longer, she’d think herself crazy because the next topic to analyze was the fact that Scott slapped a man across the face for looking in her direction.


She refused to dwell on the fact that she found him standing up for her sexy as hell because that was just plain insanity. And what the hell was that look he gave her before he disappeared back into the clubhouse?

No, time to find something to distract her from her thoughts. Maybe she could wrangle an invite to Brooke’s. The dogs always set her mind right.

But first, she heard a rumor Lock had brought donuts when he’d arrived, and she could use a sugar fix.

She strode into the clubhouse’s kitchen to find mayhem.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Jinx said. He held his hand in front of him, warding Tracker off while the other held a cream-filled donut high in the air. Tracker bobbed in front of him as though looking for the perfect place to attack.

“Swear to Christ, if you steal my favorite donut, I’ll shave that fucking mohawk in the night.”

Lock jumped at his side, trying to reach the donut, but Jinx was a mountain of a man, holding the treat way out of Lock’s reach.

“Livy, help!” Jinx cried. “Make these assholes leave me alone.”

Laughing, she lifted her hands. “Sorry, buddy, you’re on your own. I’m just here for the sugar fix.”

Scott came walking in from a side door. His eyes lit then as he took in the scene, then he crept behind Jinx, quiet as could be. The man had some impressive stealth skills.

Olivia pressed her lips together to keep from laughing and giving away his presence.

With the silent mobility of a ninja, he sprung up from the ground and onto Jinx’s back, piggy-back style.

“Holy fuck,” Jinx shouted as he jolted. “You almost made me piss myself.”

Olivia gave up holding back her laughter. These guys were hilarious. Lance wouldn’t even eat a donut without a knife and fork, let alone play keep-away with one. When was the last time she let loose like the guys and just had some fun?

Was it bad if she couldn’t even recall a time?


Scott stretched up and plucked the donut out of a sputtering Jinx’s hand. With a victorious whoop, he tossed it to Olivia. Somehow, she managed to catch it. She took a huge bite.

“Mmm, that’s good,” she said around a mouthful of sugary goodness. She licked her lips, then looked up to find Scott’s gaze locked on her mouth. Her insides clenched. How was it possible for one look to amp her up so much? She couldn’t’ help it and slicked her tongue across her lower lip again, just to watch Scott’s eyes flare.