As he left the office and then the building, he forced himself to keep his walk light and bouncy, as though calling Olivia his woman didn’t affect him when, in reality, it freaked him the fuck out. Mostly because his body wasn’t rejecting the idea as he’d expected.

The moment he’d called her his woman, his cock had perked up and taken notice. Dammit, he knew he shouldn’t have jerked off to thoughts of her bent over his bike last night. He’d been in the shower and horny, not because he’d seen her sitting at Brooke’s pool in that skimpy bikini, but just plain hard because he was hard. Nothing more.

But he had thought of her in one of those flouncy little sundresses she liked to wear. She’d also been wearing a very sexy, very needy gleam in her eye as she stood next to his bike. So he’d mentally torn the straps of her dress, watched it fall to the ground, then fucked the shit out of her over his bike.

He’d come fucking hard too. So had she. The princess was the screamer in his filthy fantasies.

It had to be why talking as though she was his woman affected him today. Because there was no way in hell any part of him, even his cock, liked the idea as a legitimate possibility. She was bossy, snobby, superior, and lazy as hell.

Is she, though?

As he reached his bike, he glanced down. “No one asked you,” he said to his cock, which was trying to bust its way out of his jeans. He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Jesus, I’m talking to my dick.”

Thoughts of Olivia reminded him he wanted to warn Tracker off her. He’d noticed them acting all chummy at breakfast. And he hadn’t liked it one bit. Not because he was jealous. Hell no. This was nothing more than having Tracker’s best interest in mind. His brother didn’t need a woman who was used to the finer things in life. The man owned a tattoo shop and lived in a one-bedroom bungalow five steps from the beach.

He couldn’t even understand why Olivia appealed to Tracker. Sure, she was hot. Sexy as fuck, but Tracker had his hands on hot, nearly naked women every day. She was also damned adaptable, being able to jump into a group of misfit bikers without batting an eye. And there was a chance she was tougher than he’d given her credit for. And if he were honest, she hadn’t once complained about the very basic accommodations, or the farm, or Brooke’s horde of animals hanging around. So maybe she wasn’t quite as prissy as he’d accused her of being.

Not that any of those things mattered. He’d wanted no part of her when she’d arrived, and nothing had changed, even if the rest of his club seemed to be falling under her spell.

He swung his leg over his bike just as his phone rang. “Lo?” He answered without checking the screen.

“Scotty!” His sister practically squealed into the phone.

“Christ, Clo, tone it down a bit. I was hoping to have my hearing for a few more decades. What’s up?”

“Rocket and I are coming to visit!”

“No shit? When?” Visits from his sister and her ol’ man never disappointed. Chloe was a kick-ass sister. She was a kick-ass woman in general. She’d survived a horrific trauma and came out on the other side stronger. Now that she had Rocket in her life, she smiled all the time. He and her ol’ man hadn’t gotten off on the best foot, but that was years ago, and now they were brothers through the patch.

“Pretty soon, we’re thinking. There are a few details to work out up here, but I’ll let you know before we head out to ride down there.”

“Can’t wait.”

“So, what’s new?”

Scott frowned. “Why do you sound weird?”

Chloe scoffed. “What do you mean?”

“Your voice is weird. Like you’re trying to be all innocent when really—” Oh, hell no. “Brooke called you, didn’t she?”

“Huh? I have no idea what you mean.” Someone, probably Rocket, snickered in the background.

“You’re a shit liar, sis. Is that what this surprise, very-soon visit is about? You want to come down here to meet Olivia? Make sure I’m not being too much of an asshole?”

“Told you he’d see through you,” Rocket said.

“Pfft, you shut it.” Chloe’s muffled voice had Scott chuckling. “Fine,” she said when she came back on the line. “Brooke called me. She said she thinks Olivia could use all the friends she can get. And she might have mentioned you haven’t been the most welcoming person in the world.”

Of course, she did. “Not your business, Clo.”

“Told you that too,” Rocket called out.

“Excuse me, are you looking to sleep on the couch tonight?”

Rocket snorted. Then there was some whispering that’d probably make Scott vomit if he knew what Rocket was promising to do to his sister, especially since he caught the words tongue and hours.