Page 65 of Stay

Alexi’s eyes hardened. “I’m staying here if Niko will have me. If not, I was thinking I could rent Hope’s loft, or Mia can help me pick a place.”

Mia relaxed. He was on the same page. She straightened as the thought hit her—Alexi in his own place. Cool. Parties plus alone time. She grinned.

Hope shook her head. “Of course, Alexi can stay with us.”

Mia wrinkled her nose at Hope, and Niko nodded.

“After Mia and I pick a university, I’ll select a property for us there,” Alexi said.

Mia didn’t look at him. She’d save her response to that comment until they were in private. As if her parents would let them live together.

“It’s settled then.” Niko sounded pleased. He glanced at his father, who was shaking his head, and said, “I think the kids are going to watch a zombie movie if you want to stay and join them. Or you could join me for scotch downstairs.” His father rose and followed Hope and Niko from the room.

Mia relaxed as they left. “It’s not zombie night, but it’s good to know what’ll give us movie night to ourselves. Who’s turn to choose? Mine?”

He let her choose and only distracted her a little during the movie with his kisses until the credits rolled and he gave her a nice long kiss. “I should take you home now.” Alexi rose then scooped her up.

Mia kissed his neck, duplicating what he had done to her, using her teeth and her tongue.

He fell back to the couch.

She pressed her hand into the leather; it gave beneath her palm. “This is a softer landing than the one you gave me the day we met. The tile in the foyer was hard when you dropped me.”

“I never dropped you.” He put a hand behind her head to pull her down for a kiss. “I’ll never drop you.”

Mia smiled against his mouth and then, enjoying the feeling, leaned in closer. The phone clipped to his waist dug into her side. Pulling back, she lifted it up. “Tell me.”

“I knew you thought you were texting a girl.”

“I knew you knew, Sacha.” She slapped his arm and put the phone down.

Alexi grinned, and his eyes glinted. “You have to call me Sacha in a nice voice sometimes, too. You always say it in the mean voice.”

“Sacha deserves the mean voice.”

“No, don’t say that. I loved your texts to me. It’s one of my favorite things about you. You were so friendly and willing to help before you’d even met me. Especially when I realized later that you thought you were welcoming a non-showering smoker.” He leaned back and smiled at her.

Mia put a hand on either side of his face so she could pin him down with her gaze. “I looked forward to your emails. I liked you, Sacha, before I met you. As soon as I saw you, I wanted you. After I got to know you, it became real. It became more. You fascinate me.” She placed a sweet, sincere kiss against his mouth. “Your plans fascinate me too. You’ve made a lot of them for us. This means you’re staying for sure?”

“If you’re here. I’m here.” He looked at her, his confident blue-gray eyes almost vulnerable. “Do you want me to stay?”

“Always.” She leaned close to whisper in his ear, “I’ll always want you to stay.”

Book Club Topics/Questions

It’s difficult being the foreign kid in the room. What are some great ways you’ve seen them welcomed?

What does it mean to be a Generation Z teen in America?

Alfred Lord Tennyson said, “'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The movie Fired Up said, “You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.” Thoughts?