I just don’t know how to feel about all this.

I mean, I sure as hell think I should feel guilty. I also think there’s no reason for Daddy to feel guilty at all. (Strange how he’s Daddy now to me.) After all, he was asleep and woke up getting a blowjob. He didn’t initiate anything and was right on the brink of cumming when he realized it was me. He’s blameless in these circumstances. There’s no reason for him to feel guilty at all.

I should feel guilty.

I don’t.

That’s what has me confused. I not only don’t feel guilty but in addition to that, I want more. I mean, blowjobs… that’s all I do. I never liked a boy enough to let him go all the way and there are plenty of boys who tried to go all the way with me. I never let any of them. They all have blowjobs as consolation prizes and not one of them can remember my mouth on them at the point of culmination. Daddy’s cum is the first I have ever tasted. I never let any boy go all the way with me. I didn’t want it with them. I want it now. I really want it from my stepfather, and that seems pretty strange to me because… well, for obvious reasons.

Wanna hear something weird?

I used to hope my first boy has a small dick. In fact, that’s been something I hoped ever since learning that when a girl loses her virginity, it usually hurts. I guess I assume a smaller cock will hurt less. I don’t know. What I know for sure, though, is that I don’t care if it hurts with him. All I care about is having him.

“Kristy, we should talk.”

I look up from where I recline on the beach and smile at him. “Hi, Daddy.”

He looks away because my tee shirt is wet, and that makes my breasts almost as visible as they might be without any clothes on at all. I’m also just wearing my panties. One of the things that makes Rockwell Pass perfect for growing fruit like apples and pears is that we get very warm days and very cold nights. So today, it’s like I’m at a normal beach, just catching some sun.

He looks away and says, “Why don’t you get some clothes on, come back to camp, and we can talk.”

“We can talk now, Daddy,” I say. I notice calling him Daddy has a definite effect on him. I guess that gives me a feeling of power. I can feel my nipples growing hard and I know that will very quickly become visible in my thin tee shirt.

“Look,” he says, “what happened last night was—”

“Did I do a good job for you, Daddy?” I ask with a smile. “I liked it better than with the stupid high school boys. They’re not like you, Daddy.”

He frowns but I can see a bulge in his pants. God, that turns me on so much. He says, “It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“But you didn’t, Daddy,” I say. “I did. I did it and if it’s a mistake it’s my mistake. You rescued me and I wanted to do it for you. It’s that simple.”

“That’s not the point, Kristy. I should have done a better job of resisting.”


“Because it’s…” He looks flabbergasted like he can’t understand why I can’t just understand it at face value.

“It’s the first time I enjoyed it,” I say. “I mean, it’s like… The boys I’ve been with don’t know what they’re doing.”

He looks a little uncomfortable and I say, “I’m glad I’m still a virgin.” He doesn’t know where in the world this is going, and he doesn’t reply. I add, “I was never saving myself or anything. I just didn’t like anyone enough. Now I’m ready. I want to give it to you.”

“Whoa!” he says, lifting up his hands. “We can’t talk like this.”

I scoot over to him and put my hand on his thigh. “You know,” I say, “nobody has ever given me an orgasm. I mean, what’s it like?”

He starts to back up but I wrap my arm around his leg and I put my hand on the bulge in his pants. “Please,” I say softly. “Daddy, I want to know what it’s like when someone makes me cum.”

I think the word Daddy does the trick. He stops backing away and as I look at his face, I can see the battle raging between his eyes. Finally, he kind of snaps out of it. “I can’t sleep with you,” he says. “I just…” His words disappear as I give his cock a squeeze through his pants.

He reaches down and moves my hand. “Listen, I’ll give you an orgasm. Then we’re done.”

I don’t know how to play this. Well, a more accurate way to put that is I react honestly without any manipulation. I look up at him and say, “Really?” I think I smile like a complete idiot but I can’t help myself.

He walks behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. I try to turn but he firmly pushes me down until I’m flat on my back on the grass. I stare up at him in wonder as he makes his way back around me. He kneels in front of me. When he spreads my legs and reaches for me, I think he’s going to use his hands to get me off but instead, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulls them down and off. I still think his hands are the plan when he slides them up the inside of my thighs.

He uses his hands to spread my thighs further apart.

And then my life changes forever.

Sure, I am aware that there is such a thing as cunnilingus. Of course, I am. Knowing it exists and even wanting it someday doesn’t even come close to preparing me for the shockingly good sensations that rush through me when his mouth reaches my pussy and his tongue explores me. His hands slide up my thighs and over and he grips my breasts through my tee shirt as his tongue moves. It slides into me. It moves up and down my slit. It seems to touch every part of me and I’m just lost. I mean that. It’s like my mind no longer functions. All that exists is my pussy and my stepfather’s mouth. I can’t wrap my head around anything. I think I moan. I think I wheeze. I think I move a little. I can’t be sure of any of that, though, because the only true, present, and definite awareness I have is what his mouth does between my legs.

And then he moves up a little to focus on my clit and I scream, “Oh, God, Daddy!” If the sensations before were amazing, these are unbelievable. I tighten my hands in his hair and that surprises me because until I do, I don’t even realize they’re there.

And then I cum.

Jesus Christ! I cum!

The difference between this orgasm and orgasms I’ve managed to give myself in the past is so profound it almost feels like the prior ones can’t be called orgasms, at least not by comparison. My whole body seizes up and though I want to keep screaming, I’m completely breathless as the pleasure courses over my body.

My breathing doesn’t work but my mind does.

Even through the haze of pleasure, I realize happily this isn’t going to be the end of things.