I can’t believe how this man makes things look easy. No, that isn’t a good way to describe it. He doesn’t make it look easy. He just makes it look like he’s not stressed about any of it. Of course, since it’s too dark to see anything, I guess it’s more that he makes it all seem easy to him. He moves efficiently and effectively, speaking only to tell me what to do or where to go. I follow his directions without a second thought, even if I don’t understand them and when he directs me to the corner of the ferry and says jump off as far as you can, I don’t hesitate.

I expect to land in the lake so I’m a bit surprised to end up on land. I stumble and fall on my ass. Some clouds roll away from in front of the moon and I say, “I can’t believe you got us all the way across the lake.” A moment later, I hear my stepfather land next to me.

“We’re on Lake Island,” he says. Lake Island is in the middle of the lake. It’s about a square mile of nothing but trees. “Come on now, Kristy,” he says. “We need to get away from the water.” I have about a million questions I want to ask but I can’t form any of them.

About two hours later, the feelings running through me are shocking and, I suppose, to some extent I’m freaked out because of actual shock. I mean, being lost in the woods and then caught up in a life-threatening situation… Well, clearly there are issues that cause a girl’s psyche.

So maybe I can be forgiven for the sudden ideas that fill my mind.

Maybe I’m not some kind of crazy girl for having the thoughts.

I want to fuck my stepfather.

Shocking, right?

He’s asleep there under the lean-to he built, which was a damned impressive thing to do in the first place. He’s asleep and since he took off all but his tee shirt and his boxers just to make me wear them to be sure I would be warm; he is also shivering slightly.

Okay, I behaved like a tantrumming little bitch when I ran away from the confrontation with my mom but in general, I am not impulsive at all. Staring at this man, though, who rescued me not once but twice and then sacrificed for me the way he did… Well, I guess it’s honest to say he is a wonderful man and has been from the very beginning.

I’m not impulsive.

But I still take off his jacket and lay it over his chest. I feel a thrill when he stops shivering. I stare for a moment at my objective and then go for it. A moment later, I’m between his legs and fishing his cock out through the fly in his boxers.

Frankly, I’m not sure how long he’ll let me do this, and the way I figure it, I’ve got a few minutes where he’ll just not be awake. Since he’s pretty exhausted, maybe I get an extra minute or two. When he finally wakes up, in order for me to have any shot at finishing the job, he’ll have to be already too far gone to stop me.

So, as soon as I get his cock out, I don’t bother thinking about how big he is.

Jesus, he’s big!

Okay, I guess I do think about how big he is. I don’t take any time to appreciate it as much as I might in the moonlight, though. I have to get to work. I need him to be too overcome before he’s really aware of what’s going on. The moment I can, I just get my mouth on him.

Holy shit.

He’s still not hard at all and he’s a bigger mouthful than any of the boys I’ve done this for before.

Also, and this is really interesting for me, he’s the first person I actually want to do this for. I mean, it isn’t like I hated it with the boys I was with before but this is entirely different. I just wanted to get it done and over with. It was nice that they would enjoy it but I kind of thought they should be grateful for whatever they got.

That isn’t at all how I think about my stepfather when his cock is in my mouth. I want to move quickly so he doesn’t stop me but that has nothing at all to do with getting it over with and everything to do with getting him worked up enough that he doesn’t stop me.

Dear God, he’s big.

I don’t usually get turned on by this but it turns me the hell on right now and it makes me suck more eagerly and hungrily. I move my tongue a lot more without actively thinking about it and I moan, too. It’s so strange because I remember reading online before my first high school dance about how to give a blowjob. I remember reading to show enthusiasm to make it good.

Unlike all previous blowjobs, I’m not faking the enthusiasm right now.

On the contrary, I move my mouth up and down his shaft and move my tongue like crazy and there’s nothing at all about this moment that involves faking at all. In fact, as I move as deep as I can—and it’s not all that deep because of his girth and length—I realize doing this feels better than masturbation. I don’t mean my lips and tongue are feeling like my clit or anything like that. I mean, it feels like my pussy is progressing toward orgasm as I suck.

God, he’s hard not and that turns me on so fucking much. I put my hand on his balls, pressing a little more firmly than I might ordinarily because they’re still in his boxers. I can hear his breathing growing a shallow and I can hear slight murmuring. I realize he’s waking up and it both thrills me and terrifies me.

It thrills me because I love the idea that he wakes to my mouth on his cock. I imagine him just dreaming about anything and then suddenly the dream is sexual in nature. Then, as he gradually wakes, the dream becomes more intense rather than less intense until boom! He’s awake and it’s not a dream at all! On the other hand, I’m terrified of him stopping things.

God, I want him to cum!

I want him to cum and I get even hungrier and more aggressive. I wish I knew more about how to please a guy. I wish I could just magically make it happen. I suck hard and move my tongue rapidly and even though I don’t want to hasten his waking, I moan loudly and involuntarily. I feel his body tense and then I feel his cock swell.

“Jesus Christ, Kristy!” he says in a croaking, sleep-hoarse voice.

It’s too late. His cock explodes and pulses in my mouth. I keep sucking as he tries to move his hands but can’t in the midst of his pleasure. I keep sucking and moving my tongue as the salty-alkaline taste of his semen fills my mouth. I never let boys cum in my mouth. It’s the first time, and I feel a pretty damned significant thrill. I finally pull my mouth off. He looks at me in shock and I kiss the tip of his cock.

“Hi there, Daddy,” I say with a giggle. Then, I scramble back and lie down at the end of the lean-to, my heart beating with excitement. I wait for him to say something and I feel a pretty substantial thrill that he doesn’t say anything before I end up fading off to sleep.