Page 10 of In His Eyes


Once the babysitter was gone, I popped my head in Kellan’s room to check on him. It’s rare that I’m not around to tuck him in and kiss him goodnight. I was so nervous about tonight I almost used that as an excuse to back out. But it also isn’t often I get the opportunity to go to a swanky party in a fancy dress with an insanely attractive man on my arm.

Things with Dallas this past week have been incredible. I’ve been living on a high of secret touches and stolen kisses. I can’t tell if I’m falling for Dallas or if I’ve already fallen. This all feels brand new. But I’m a girl who’s been around the block a time or two. My heart has been broken more than its fair share. I think that’s why I’m so afraid to trust this. To trust him.

It isn’t just my heart on the line this time.

Kellan is sound asleep; there’s not even the slightest stir as I close his door again. A soft melody immediately catches my attention, the music practically beckoning me toward it. My black dress dusts the hardwood floors, my bare feet tiptoeing down the hallway. The high heel shoes came off and stayed off as soon as we got back in the car, but I’m not ready to part with the beautiful ballgown yet.

I’ve never worn anything this nice before. I married Eric at the courthouse, wearing my favorite pair of blue jeans. And I didn’t get to go to my prom.

Dallas warned me that the banquet might be boring, but I had the best time. We spent most of the night dancing. It was another first for me, but he didn’t seem to mind my two left feet.

Introductions were a little tricky. He tried to keep it simple, only telling everyone that I was his date. It didn’t take long for people to start asking questions though. They wanted to know how we met and how long we’ve been dating. He managed to get by with vague answers. This time.

But we won’t be able to avoid the complicated and awkward truth of our relationship forever.


Get it together, Cara. You’ve been on one pseudo date with the man. It’s a bit soon to be worrying about shit like that.

Although, his parents will be home from their European vacation next month, and I’m definitely dreading that whole situation.

I find the source of the music and Dallas on the back terrace, just outside his bedroom. He’s barefoot now too, his jacket and bowtie gone, his collar unbuttoned, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up.

The man is sexy as hell.

He walks toward me with a tumbler of amber colored liquor in his hand and a smile on his face. “Thank god, you kept the dress on.”

“I’ve never seen a man happy about me keeping my clothes on before.”

He leans in, his intoxicating scent washing over me as he whispers in my ear. “Believe me, the plan is to get you out of this dress. I just want to be the one who takes it off.”

I grab the drink from his hand and polish it off. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

He smirks, taking the empty glass and placing it on the table. “Is our boy out?”

Our boy.

My heart melts into a soppy puddle as I nod. “Like a light.”

“Good, because I’d like you all to myself for the rest of the night.”

He offers me his hand, pulling me close as I accept it. His other hand settles on the small of my back, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, the two of us swaying together to the music. It feels like a scene straight out of a movie as we dance cheek to cheek in the breezy night air, fireflies twinkling all around us.

It wasn’t that long ago that I’d sworn off men completely. But I’m falling hard and fast for Dallas. And I’m terrified he won’t be there to catch me.

My thoughts evaporate into thin air when he shifts to meet my gaze, those pesky butterflies fluttering about in my stomach again as his lips connect with mine. The kiss is sweet and gentle, unhurried. Like he’s saying we have all the time in the world, promising me a lifetime of these moments.

A boyish smile lights up his face when his mouth leaves mine, and he leads me into his bedroom. The second we’re inside, he spins me around. My breath stills while he slowly unzips my dress, leaving a trail of kisses across my shoulders. I’ve never been this eager or nervous to sleep with a man before.

I step out of my dress as it pools at my feet, my pulse racing by the time I turn to face him. I unclasp my bra and toss it on the floor, my center throbbing. His eyes roam over my body with leisure. The hunger behind his stare washes away my anxious energy, leaving only need in its wake.