Page 15 of Double Doms


Why am I checking my phone like I’m a teen having had my first fuck? Yet, I do. Friday night, and I have nothing to do but join Bridget, Simon, and their kids for a family movie. I’ve never had a large circle of friends, but with Marcie, she did, and we were always busy.

I don’t want a large party life, yet having spent a night of absolutely mind-numbing sex, I sort of want to repeat it.

We’ve texted a little here and there, nothing deep, just hellos or a few flirts. I’m hiding out tonight. Sure, I told Bridget I’d join them for the movie, but I have a new book I’d preordered months ago.

But not even Allen Eskens, my favorite newest author, is holding my attention. No, it’s only on the doctor from the other night. Or the woman with the abusive ex-husband.

Shit, what’s wrong with me? Marcie was it, and we were supposed to begin the same chapter in my life Bridget started with Simon a couple years ago. And though I’m mad, I’m not missing Marcie. Not in the least.

I want what Bridget has. I realize it now, and I’ve known it when I was with Marcie.

“Gibs.” Bridget’s voice is loud. It floats up the stairwell easily. “We’re starting Up. You’re missing out.”

“Maybe later, Bridge.”

The door shuts and for some reason, Bridget doesn’t push. Very un-Bridget like.

My phone dings next, and I’ve spoken too soon. She’s probably now filling my text messages with her pleas to join them.

I pull for it, and I’m a little perturbed. I have a response ready, a very nice response I remind myself considering she’d taken pity on me, or I’d be homeless.

To my surprise, it’s Stone, not Bridget. My foul mood is transformed as the turn of my frown twists into a full-blown smile.

Doc:Hey, sexy. I wanted to chat with you for a bit. You have a couple minutes? I just got Jett in bed.

He wants to chat. Really. I’m intrigued and very excited to hear his voice.

I don’t respond. I pick up the phone when it rings, answering it right away.

“Hey, Teach. Were you sitting on your phone?” The amusement in his voice is palpable.

“Yeah, sort of. I actually thought you were my friend I’m staying with. She wants to include me in her family night. I’m just not feeling it.”

“Ah, needing your alone time. I mean, I can talk to you later.”

No, I don’t want that, but I don’t want to seem needy. Who the hell am I? I never was needy with Marcie. When she went out with friends, I welcomed the time by myself. And I’d not once waited up for her either. That should have been my first tell-tale sign.

“It’s not that. I just didn’t feel like being immersed into a happy family for the night.”

He lets out this hearty chuckle, and if I were to guess, it resonates deep from his chest. And it’s sexy. Even in his laughter, I can hear his accent. It’s weird. I never noticed something like that, not even with the Englishman I now live with. But with Stone, it’s different.

“Okay, great. Now that I know I’m not bugging you. How have you been?”

He’s sincere in his question.

“You know, honestly, I was in sort of a foul mood but…” Oh, shit, what am I going to say? Now that I’m chatting with you it’s all better?

“Are you in a better mood, Teach?”

There’s no reason to lie to him. “Now that you mention it, I actually am.”

“Could I be the reason?”

Does this man’s cockiness know no bounds?

“I plead the fifth on that, Doc.” I let out the same sort of chuckle, but there’s more reason for the huskiness in my tone. I’m borderline turned on just by the sound of his voice.