“Movie?” I asked, and she said I could put on whatever.

I scanned through the options and ended up choosing the movie that had been our absolute favorite at sleepovers when we were young.

“Oh my god, I haven’t seen this in years. I hope it holds up, but I don’t have high expectations,” Natalie said.

“I know. So many of the movies I’ve rewatched have been so cringe that I had to turn them off.”

I scooted closer to her and put the blanket on our laps as we watched.

“Wow, I forgot the plot of this. It went right over our heads, didn’t it?” Natalie said.

“I know, this is not really a kid’s movie. Why did our parents let us watch it?” I said.

“Probably to shut us up. Remember how we used to get our way?”

I did. The two of us would team up and beg each of our sets of parents and more often than not, the parents would cave and we would get what we wanted. The two of us were almost unstoppable.

The casserole was spicy and warm and cheesy and comforting. Exactly what I’d wanted.

“That was so good,” I said, putting my hands on my belly after I’d finished.

“My mom knows her way around a hot dish,” she said. “One of these days she’s going to let me have her recipes. I’m sure they’re not even that special, but she hoards them like a dragon with a bunch of jewels.”

“Now I’m just picturing your mom looming over a pile of recipe cards and books and growling,” I said.

Natalie burst out laughing.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she did that someday,” she said.

I took care of the dishes and put the rest of the casserole in the fridge.

“Is cuddling allowed on our list?” I asked, when I sat back on the couch.

“Cuddling is encouraged,” Natalie said, holding up the blanket.

I lay down with my head in her lap and sighed. Her fingers played absently with my hair.

I was so relaxed that my eyes kept drifting closed.

Natalie hummed along with some of the songs in the show. We’d seen this movie so many times that both of us knew all the lyrics to all the songs. Amazing how your brain could remember things like that. I couldn’t remember when my electric bill was due, but I could remember the lyrics to a song that I hadn’t heard in years.

“Are you awake?” Natalie whispered.

“Yes,” I said, even though I’d been on the verge of sleep.

“Sorry, I have to pee,” she said. I sat up so she could do that and rubbed my eyes, waking myself back up.

She stood at the edge of the living room when she came back, leaning against the wall.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing. Just thinking about how cute you are.”

“Am I?” I asked.

“Very,” she said. “Too cute for your own good.”

I made what I hoped was a cute little face.